Jun 30, 2022·edited Jul 3, 2022


I've been in the healthcare profession for 30 years (holistic medicine). A year ago, I was unsure if the Covid jabs were in fact bioweapons and for the purpose of depopulation. I am now convinced that they are, after spending many hours studying the available data.

Steve Kirsch is a great resource for all of this and writes about the increase in deaths here:


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Pfizer's own Clinical Trial Data on page 6 shows that the "vaccine" is very deadly (3% of 48,000 subjects died from the shots).

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They were suspect from the get go. If the link to Prion disease is real, we are in for a shit storm beyond our wildest beliefs.

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The jabs are killing lots of people, young and old. #Nuremberg2

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It's the death injections. The death injections literally provide ZERO benefit. Instead these injections create severe harms, infertility, & cumulative danger. There is nothing subtle about how ineffective and dangerous the so-called “covid-19 vaccines” are. Injected people get more sick with covid, harbor increased levels of mutating and evolving viruses in their respiratory tracts, and become super-spreaders of disease. The injection for COVID-19 is NOT a vaccine (the injections do not stop infection, transmission, severe COVID, hospitalization, or death). When our immune system detects the presence of the “vaccine“ generated SARS-CoV spike protein, it attacks it with antibodies and lymphocytes. This causes cell death and other complications. Worse, the spike protein itself is toxic to cells. Among other things, it can cause bleeding and clotting throughout the body. In a very ugly twist, the spike protein is engineered in such a way that it especially ATTACKS the testes and ovaries, potentially causing hormonal irregularities and sterility. The lying and criminality involved in their promotion is absolute and severe. The profiteers and perpetrators of these coerced injections should all be imprisoned immediately, and any and all authorization for their emergency use must be revoked immediately.

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My 17 year old niece contracted a very rare form of ovarian cancer after getting the covid shots. She did not survive.

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So sorry to hear that, Joe.

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Sorry to learn of that Joe. The real shame is those under 25 have a statistically ZERO percent chance of death or severe illness from COVID. This has all been a lie from day one to get people injected. Even before early treatments, COVID-19 has a 99.8% survivability across all age groups and an average age of death ABOVE the age of life expectancy. That is not scary in any way. COVID-19 has never qualified for the traditional measure of a "pandemic" so they instead used Case Count as the measure. What's the problem with that? There is not, nor has there ever been, a diagnostic test for COVID-19. How do you know with 100% certainty that you have the Common Cold [a rhinovirus just like C-19]? You don't, there is not a diagnostic test for it. How do you know with 100% certainty that you have COVID-19? You don't, there is not a diagnostic test for it. It has never been about the virus. I am a physician but I have to remain anonymous due to having a young family. There is additional information I can share. All Gene based covid “vaccines” produce autoimmune disease. That means they trigger the immune system that should only fight infections and cancer, to actually attack the victims own body. Cells in injected victims’ organs are intentionally invaded with genetic modifying material in the covid injections. These human cells then produce a modified version of the coronavirus spike protein. That leaves cells covered in Spike Proteins, and targets the cells for attack by the victims’ own immune system. These artificial adaptive antibodies are sub-optimal in their role of neutralizing viruses, and so they risk actually helping future infections to cause more severe disease [a/k/a Antibody Dependent Enhancement]. The injection induced antibodies help viruses and cancers to evolve by allowing newer spike protein variants to survive and thrive. This eliminates the first and most important line of defense, the innate immune system, from both fighting the infection & adapting for future virus exposures. The injection victims immune systems become targets themselves. The immune system lymphocytes which are also invaded with the injected viral genes, produce the spike protein themselves and then they are also targeted by the immune system. This will most likely lead to progressive long term collapsing of the injection victims’ immune systems. The injection victims immune systems are tricked into self destruction! With the immune system destroyed as a result of the injections, all sorts of dormant infections like shingles, tuberculosis, Epstein Barre Virus, toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, and other infections, will thrive and destroy lives. Dr. Ryan Cole has uncovered a massive increase in cancers after inoculation, including twenty-fold increase in uterine cancer. The conclusion is that essentially EVERY inoculant recipient suffers damage, with more damage after each shot. Given the seriousness of the types of damage (autoimmune diseases, cancer, re-emergent dormant infections, clotting/strokes, cardiac damage, etc.), these effects will translate into lifespan reduction, which all should be counted as deaths from the inoculations.

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Thank you Champ,

I hope that you know about the ongoing medical protocol work being done by the doctors of the FLCCC (Front Line Critical Care Covid Alliance)

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Thanks Lawrence I am aware of the FLCCC. And if you did not hear, we lost a big warrior that was on the side of humanity today. Dr. Zev Zelenko passed away today. Huge loss for us all.

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Yes Champ,

But his trials and tribulations are finally rested. He was amazing in what he achieved under such physical burdens. A leader whose example we can all learn from.

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Oh Joe, I am so, so sorry for your loss.

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There are no words I can use to help soothe or remove what you feel, but l hope from the messages below and in your life ganerally that you feel "people have your back."

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So sorry for your loss. I hope that you and the family can heal.

With Kindness and Compassion

Going forward

Everyone should have an emergency first aid kit for covid and the covid shots.

To see what to have in this kit go to www.FLCCC.NET [it's a non profit created & run by real clinical physicians who treat covid patients] There is a new section on treating vaccine injury.

The first symptoms must be treated immediately.

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Heartbreaking! I'm so sorry.

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Agree 100%, but prison is not enough for the profiteers and perpetrators.

This is the worst that happened to mankind as far as our rewritten history let us know. We´ve been lied to beyond belief and for so long.

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The SHOT is the cause and we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg now. People's immune systems are being destroyed and more illness will be seen down the road. A crime against humanity.

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Let us hop the human body has this amazing ability to heal and that the impact of the vaxx wear off by time.

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Lemmings that got the vax, paying the price

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Agreed. It was obvious from the beginning that we were being lied to. I did my best to warn people but to little avail. As a result, I know how Noah must have felt before the great flood as they mocked him.

Just as my old USMC platoon sergeant liked to say….”If you are looking for sympathy, you can find it in the dictionary between “shit” and “syphilis”.

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And all the innocent children and young people forced to take it.

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Vaxx deaths

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its obvious to any one with a functioning brain the probable cause is covid vaxs

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I think it's quite odd we didn't have that in 2020. People should hang for this.

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Keep in mind this is not 40% death in the population. This is 40% more than the 0.75% that dies every year normally. Yes, it is higher, but the vaccine itself is probably not even responsible for the majority of that increase.

For that, from what I have seen, I would say it is because the lockdowns destroyed the economic status of millions and poverty is very strongly correlated to quality of life, health, longevity and so on.

Also, losing your career or being isolated from people or being constantly put under paranoid fear by your 'trusted media' all creates levels of stress that lead to a huge increase in suicide, drug abuse, unhealthy lifestyles, and so on.

Not to mention they cut out prescreening for cancer, hip replacements, and other 'non essential' treatments -- which, if you remove them, cause a lot more people to start dying very quickly.

40% increase in deaths simply for the psychological impact of the lockdown is MORE than reasonable. The vaccine can be 100% safe and I would still not be surprised by a 40% increase in deaths after what they did to everyone.

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That’s laughable. A 10% increase in deaths in the life insurance industry is considered unimaginable and yet 40% is what several companies a

have reported for Q3 2021. No amount of poverty and psychological pressure results in that. It’s the ‘vaccines’ doing this. If you don’t see that you’re deluding yourself…

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You honestly don't think the lockdowns could cause deaths?

Do you realize that there were patients in long term care facilities with dementia and altzheimer that couldn't see their loved ones AT ALL and declined rapidly and died?

And there were tons of funeral homes talking about old people dying with caked on shit cause the nurses were too scared to go into the facilities and care for them because of the media propaganda?

People were locked in with their abusers. Drug abuse way up. Suicide way up. Mental health way up while simultaneously destroying almost all mental health services.

I could go on. I am not saying the vaccine is safe or effective. I am saying the lockdown itself could easily account for 40% increase in deaths -- and that the effects are not over yet. They are going to be responsible for a lot more deaths.


Do you not understand how that kills people?

"That's laughable"

Your ignorance is laughable. Grow the fuck up.

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Yup, all those soccer players died of lock down...

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The argument is that the 'vaccine was well tolerated'. And the number of people that died from it is 'relatively low'.

Far higher than all previous vaccines, but it's still not 'that bad'.

I use quotations because I think what they did is beyond evil. But what I think isn't relevant here. What the MAJORITY of people think is relevant. And a 'few people' dying isn't going to be that significant.

As far as the soccer players dying goes.... The vaccine coded for the spike protein which does the majority of the damage - so literally everyone who took the vaccine did damage to their bodies with those spike proteins. How much damage? It seems like the more fit you were the more damage it did.

If you were really, really, really fit.... well.... you could cut up your heart. That was what I was hearing and that's what made sense to me.

But the majority of people are fatasses who sit at the computer and were afraid to go outside and do not play soccer at world class levels. And as far as I can see from my small sample in my own life, people who were vaccinated did not die. They DID get sick. They DO seem to be ... a little off.

Maybe they'll still die.

But it does seem to me that the 'the vaccine is killing massive amounts of people' isn't really true.

It absolutely is killing people. But... I still think the lockdowns killed magnitudes more.

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Jun 30, 2022·edited Jun 30, 2022

Have you taken a look at openvaers.com? It's a website ran by the FDA and the CDC that reports deaths and injuries from vaccines dating all the way back to 1991. The average yearly number of deaths from vaccines reported to the VAERS system was around 400 to 600 before 2021. Since December 2020, when the CV-19 Vaccines first rolled out, there have been more than 29,000 deaths attributed to the COVID-19 "vaccines" reported in VAERS.

It's a felony to make a false report.

It is a voluntary reporting system that has been estimated to account for only 1%, so add two zeros to the number above and we're getting close to the real number of deaths.

Check out this page on the site, https://openvaers.com/faq/what-is-underreporting-and-why-it-matters it explains how a Harvard Study proves that adverse events and deaths are underreported.

Also, check out Steve Kirsch's Substack, Check Out Alex Berenson's Substack. Read, Robert F. Kennedy Jr's book "The Real Anthony Fauci." We are being lied to. They are killing people.

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It was also reported because of the high and constant activity of athletes, the concoction in the jabs were able to work faster.

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For most people, the jab is a slow kill bio weapon.

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If someone offered you a large bag of potato chips and one of those chips was poison and would kill you would you eat one of those chips ?

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You may not be saying the so called vaccine (that is not really a vaccine) is safe or effective but you sure are implying that it could be. 99% of the people on this thread believe it is not safe OR effective. (Although I would agree it is very effective if its intent was to kill or mame people). Your theory that the lockdowns could be responsible for a 40% increase in deaths is 100% Asinine. Have you read about the 1200+ adverse side effects? Myocarditis, Blood clots, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome? Previously healthy athletes dropping dead after being jabbed? The more you talk the more stupid you sound. Pull your head out of your Keister and take a deep breath of fresh air. It seems like you may be suffering from Hypoxia.

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1. In 2020, there was not a noticeable increase in all-cause mortality. 2020 was when the most severe lockdowns took place in the US.

2. Did you take the Covid-19 shot?

3. The only thing statisically could have caused this unprecedented jump in excess mortality of 40% for 18-49 year old Americans (much higher than World War 2 or Vietname) in 2021 is the vaccine. There are no other potential changes that could cause that. Suicide and drug overdose have risen, but they've been rising steadily for some time, and I would expect 2020 to have had similar numbers if those things were the culprit.

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All that stuff you mention happened in 2020. But this huge increase in all cause deaths among younger people began in 2021.

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It is likely not mutually exclusive to one cause.

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Im with you on that! The vaccinated have always tried to blame the unvaccinated but if you look at the way covid deaths are reported in hospitals this is what you will find . Vaccinated means that person has had all their shots and boosters with the last shot or booster being taken 14 days previous! No wonder the vaccinated were blaming the unvaccinated! When they talk about the numbers concerning anything else they use terms like partially vacced but not in hospitalization numbers. Sounds like they maybe did that on purpose!

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They absolutely did that on purpose just like how they reported the relative effectiveness of the Pfizer vaccine as if they were absolute effectiveness.

It was literally the difference between like 0.04% and 0.8% on the Alpha strain in laboratory conditions. It wasn't 99% effective or whatever they were going on about. It was happening from too many angles at once for it to be a 'coincidence'.

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Jun 30, 2022·edited Jun 30, 2022

I appreciate your thoughtfulness, however the numbers tell a different story. Certainly the unnecessary lockdowns caused serious problems, including excess deaths, but the jabs are the elephant in the room that needs to be addressed.

Steve Kirsh estimates ~ 750k dead from the jabs so far in the US. These are only short term deaths, and not deaths that will occur in the months and years ahead due to the jab. This also does not include infertility. and other serious long term issues. I read a recent study, where the study authors said the jabs are more effective that the abortion pill in the 1st 2 trimesters.

Kirsch and his team have done solid scientific analysis to come up with these numbers. This link is from a poll, and it aligns with other methods to determine vax deaths:


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I concede the abortion pill argument. I remember plenty of data on miscarriages. Most people, however, don't see fetus' as life. Which is insane, but I digress.

Don't know Steve Kirsh or care. Would care how he estimates that. Actually I looked at your link and it seems like he estimates that by ... polling people. I'm sorry, I can't accept that. Red flags are going up.

I think the vaccine is dangerous but poll data by someone whose job is to pander to people on one side of a line is not something I can accept as data.

People think masks work. Go poll them. It means nothing. Study psychology for a semester and they will hammer into your head that people are absolutely useless at self-reporting. They lie, they make mistakes, they literally trick themselves as to the causes of things based on how they feel about things and they don't even realize they do this.

Polls tell us what is perceived to be true. That is irrelevant to the current analysis of whether or not the vaccine is actually killing people. I think stuff about how the vaccine codes for the spike protein and how the spike protein cuts up heart muscles is probably more convincing. But the question is the rates and for that you brought me the poll data.

I can't say it's not true, either. I just can't be convinced by it.

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Jun 30, 2022·edited Jun 30, 2022

Yes, a poll is not ideal science, but it does confirm what we already know, and the death count is similar to a dozen other statistical methods used. Take a look at Kirsch's substack articles. He has a great team of solid scientists. Jessica Rose is another solid resource.


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"They lie, they make mistakes, they literally trick themselves as to the causes of things based on how they feel about things and they don't even realize they do this."

Your own comment accusing others of this behavior describes you to a tee! Now that's funny right there.

Did your psychology class teach you about projection? LOL..

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your cognitive dissonance is deafening

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you are an idiot if you think I have cognitive dissonance because I played the devils advocate.

your counter argument is disgusting.

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Could you please repeat that? I couldn't hear you through all your deafening cognitive dissonance. LMAO!

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the tears are real

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Stupid response.

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BS. Vaccine is killing people.

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Yes, but how many? And how many were killed by the forces I alluded to?

Not sure what you did for a living, but I did data analysis for our health care system and I watched these people die in real time.

All I care about is the truth. Stop assuming you know anything about my mind. Focus on the argument. The lock downs killed a LOT of people, and continue to kill people by the impact they had on the health and well being of millions.

I did not make the argument that the vaccines are safe. I am saying by the data, they could be relatively safe and the increase in deaths explained by the consequences of the insane lockdowns.

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OpenVAERS is a great resource on vax deaths and injuries you may like. There is a estimated under reporting factor of 41. To estimate US #'s, click the slider to "US/Territories/Unknown" and them multiply by 41. The types of injuries and deaths are consistent with the jab.


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Who are you working for now?

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If the non-vaccines weren't killing people, Pfizer wouldn't be trying to hide all data on the vaccines for 75 years.

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This may interest you:

“For every 1 percent unemployment goes up, 40,000 people die"


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Yeah, these effects (and more) are what I refer to. The lockdowns killed magnitudes more. And I did look at Vaers and I do believe it is under-reported and I understand the mechanisms of how and why, especially with covid. I also am aware of how they played games with the data early on saying people who died after shortly being vaccinated were actually 'unvaccinated' and therefore, died of covid, and other games.

The point is that there has been so much tampering with the data that none of it is valid. Vaers was being attacked by both sides trying to report everything that moved and by trying to hold everything to an impossible standard so that nothing could be reported. Where did it actually end up?

It's hard to play devils advocate here because I cannot defend the position that "the vaccines did no harm". So I am arguing "the lockdowns killed magnitude more"... especially since I believe the effects will continue into the future as they are economic and seem to be permanent (the middle class is dead... there is no resurrection planned).

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Jun 30, 2022·edited Jun 30, 2022

The evidence is overwhelmingly clear that the jabs are causing a massive amount of deaths, disability and injury. I see it with my own eyes and I see it in the data. Those in power can pull this off because they know that most people trust authorities without question and they can therefore kill without consequence.

I will add that nearly 100% of all Covid related deaths were and are preventable. It was known from the beginning that early outpatient treatment (ivermectin etc.) had close to 100% effectiveness so there was never any need or benefit for lockdowns, masks, vaccines & social distancing.

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Most people have to work and the unemployment numbers are only one part of the problem! People have been forced to work more than one job or work longer hours because of high inflation that was transitory and then the latest one was peaking ! Where is the peak ? Some say the real inflation rate is double what they say it is and it is mainly caused by the money printing that is done by the central banks ! It seems to me when I buy gas or groceries those people are right! I have also heard that the central banks around the world are the real government and are in control off what is happening and if this keeps up the average person will be destroyed! I am not an economist but maybe these other people are right ? I think if I knew this was true and hadn't heard all this from other people my post would get deleted !

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Report/known covid vaccine deaths are above 20k just for the US.

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But how can data be trusted when what medical personnel is forced to do is put covid deaths as a cause of death for just about everything? The data is being tampered with.

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This was my biggest concern. The data was absolutely being tampered with and the majority of people just gobbled up the propaganda. The two together brings dark clouds to our future.

The majority of the people are:

a) clueless to reality

b) being led by liars

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And as this thread shows, the minority who are clued-up and who avoid being led by liars prefer to stick to a neat and formulaic part of the truth that would make them feel smart, rather than care about the whole truth. In fact, they're openly hostile to the larger truth. That's another dark cloud.



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No, I agree with you. But we shouldn’t discount the impact of vaccine injury which no one wants to publicly talk about. Lockdowns, job losses, and school closures are neglected topics that had a huge influence on such things as mental health, alcohol/drug abuse, child abuse, and deferring medical care. These things combined also led to increased mortality.

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Lots of people want to publicly talk about it. I would love to publicly talk about it. But people like us are banned whenever we try.

In my mind the argument is whether the 40% increase in all-cause mortality is more to do with the vaccine, or the lockdown. Someone said vaccine. I played devils advocate and said lockdown.

I might be wrong. I don't 'win' if the side I took is right. Or more right. I 'win' if we discuss the topic and flesh it out for proper analysis so all of us are inoculated against rhetoric. I have no idea how people think they are going to learn anything without a devils advocate. Pride is too dangerous a disease and being intelligent, rich or successful offers no protection against it.

The whole reason public discussion is dead is because we killed all the devils advocates.

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You don't come across as a devil's advocate, you come across as someone with very little common sense who loves to argue. Someone who continues to argue even after it becomes obvious you are wrong. There are many ways to describe someone like you. Being a devil's advocate isn't one of them.

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Yes RJP What he said he was doing yesterday was showing his debating skills. He is a SOPHIST, which is an essential tool of politics and the legal profession: argue any position using all means and the goal being persuasion. The field of propaganda employs the technique also!. What do you think?

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Just because someone keeps claiming a circle is a square or 2+2=5 ad nauseam doesn't qualify them as a 'Skilled Debater' or a 'Devil's Advocate'. A 'Pain in the @ss' maybe more accurate? Facts, common sense, evidence, experience and reality still matter if you want to have an intelligent discussion or debate on any topic. This requires doing your research and homework etc. It was clear this 'person' didn't do their homework. In the end, the truth is the only thing that matters.

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He/She or It may think they are a SOPHIST. I believe you are giving 'it' too much credit. 'It's' arguments were all over the place and nonsensical. At times He/She or It was even arguing with itself. If He/She or It were in a debating competition I would bet on the other team winning. I think you hit the nail on the head when you stated "The field of propaganda employs the technique."

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Amen, this guy just keeps going on about the lockdowns, but has blinders on about the dangers of these "vaccines". He's got to ask himself, if the lockdowns were deadly and done to us intentionally, applying Occam's razor, wouldn't that lead one to believe that the "vaccines" are also deadly. We were told that both measures, the lockdowns and the "vaccines" were to prevent illness and death, and neither worked as we were told were intended. Maybe he's been jabbed and is in denial. IDK

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He may be a She...or It??🤔

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And I took you for a troll. My apology.

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So true! Thank you for your service! Carry on!

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Nevertheless, in the year of the scamdemic we didn't see a 40% increase in ANY kind of death, year over year we were right on average. You know what we saw an amazing decrease in though? Flu deaths.

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Yeah they just took the flu deaths and called them covid deaths along with everything else they could get away with labelling covid deaths - which was pretty much everything since the lockdowns made it so the courts were essentially non existent for the people to be represented by.

All in all, it was a well executed global conquest and proved, to me, that the vast majority of people I live with are trash.

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Oh my, take your blinders off. Does 2+2= 5 in your world?

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Whereas I agree with most of what you are saying, one can't even hypothetically say the vaccine can be 100% safe because there is no study indicating such. In the 8 years of my healthcare career I have only ever had one of my patients die prior to 2020. During the entire 2020 3 of my patients died, not from the virus but rather medical neglect. And then 2021 came along. I can't even tell you all the things that went wrong in 2021.

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PERSONALLY, I completely agree with you. But the same argument you've just made is why I made the one I did. We can't even blame the vaccine because we ALSO lack the data. There's a whole lot of correlation... but there was a whole lot of chaos.

I am pretty sure the vaccine wasn't safe or effective. But was it meant to kill people? Maim people? Or did they really think it might be a vaccine (for something that almost no one caught before it mutated) and they just aren't God, just like all the previous medical doctors in history with their insane therapies that we laugh at today?

Plus what about all the hospitals giving out shitty services because of the pandemic. How many people died because they got put on that liver killing drug or an unnecessary respirator, etc? My friend's mother was killed because she of administrative bullshit with how they were classifying pnemonia. That was a 'covid death'. A friend of my mother's had her husband die from non-covid causes. Death certificate said covid on it and they had to pay an extra $500 or something for the funeral home to process it. How did that get on there?

Medical neglect is what I witnessed as a health care provider. Vaccine deaths I heard about online. I do believe they were happening but I am unsure at how significant the problem was compared to the rest of the psychological operation.

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I looked at the available data on the jabs before they were rolled out. At the time I was surprised that these looked like they could be a perfect bioweapon. I waited & researched for a year before deciding that they are in fact bioweapons.

Robert F. Kennedy is another brilliant resource, here is a great article:


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One thing you are missing in your considerations is the fact that the reported deaths are not being investigated and the pharm companies are withholding data.

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It is still a 40% augmentation which is lot .... not sure what you are on abot. It is still related to COVID related policies, vax or not. (I suspect most are vax related)

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Jun 30, 2022·edited Jun 30, 2022

This seems plausible to me. That would explain my experience.(see comment somewhere below). Everyone here kept their job, had access to good healthcare that did not eliminate screening during the pandemic, had daily contact with other people, most via Zoom but about 25% from coming into the office. I agree with others that these vaccines are useless and an added danger but the cause of mass death, hard to believe with my evidence.

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The “Clot Shots” are working exactly as ((they)) designed… So will food shortages…

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You haven't seen anything yet. Gonna get a lot worse. Just wait until the results of the 6 months to 5 year olds getting jabbed.

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I am scared for the young. Are we the blame for not stopping this? This is all a sad situation. Wait till Marshall Law shows up....we are headed for turmoil.

I always have said for years, The trouble with America is that we never can stick together to create real change because the dark side do a damn good job of keeping us divided. Our Creator may have to instill his FEAR to wake up the non-seeing!

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Butting in...it is our fault for trusting generations of youth to the state propaganda schools. What parents looked/looks at the curriculum? Look at the 45 Communist Goals. Look how the progression also included our schools. People need depth and breadth of knowledge which isn't offered at public schools where the education is aimed at what 6th grade? The current day hatchlings can't function without a smart phone and social pages. Everything happening now IS intentional. Search the Dumbing Down of Our Schools with Charolett Iserbyt to see how it started way back when. Communists consider thoughts and words as dangerous as guns.

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If they survive the jabs the doctor bills for those kids will be on going wanna bet.

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The so-called 'vaccines'. But the Regime will blame climate change or racism or something.

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I don't understand why folks took The Jab.

No way Jose!

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Because people care more about "fitting in" than having a brain

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Because their job forced them to as the main reason. When you take away all that matters then you will get compliance. The psyop will continue.

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In certain locations the unvaxxed were barred from almost all aspects of life (public venues, working) . Mandates in NY caused lots of compliance. Those who did not partake of the mystery juice were considered lepers , unfit to work or even enter certain buildings...

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How long until the insurance companies ask for a bailout?

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Vaccines comes to mind.

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The death rate started spiking when vaccines were being done, NOT when covid started. Follow Edward Dowd.

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