Apr 17Liked by Gregory Mannarino

I think they will. Powell said they still plan on 3 cuts this year despite high CPI. They will use war as justification to cut. Then when inflation goes way higher they’ll just blame it on Iran, Russia, and China.

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I don’t think there is a cut this year. Fed knows 100% correlation with first rate cut and markets crashing 32-50%. In the weeks following a rate cut after extensive “tightening” this always has happened. Markets would crash, inflation wound skyrocket and fed would need to print even more which takes us into super inflationary blow out faster. Of course, BIS mandated all Americans be on CBDC by Julie 2025- so maybe that’s the plan

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There’s usually a delay between rate cuts and the crash (look at 2008). Also the crash doesn’t come from the cuts, it’s a delayed reaction to the hikes. But if they don’t cut the market will crash even quicker since it’s expecting cuts.

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It can be from a few weeks to a couple months. I look at dr nenner’s work on cycles as he is spot on 90%. He shows no meaningful rate cuts for at heady 5 years. Even says cycles show 16-20% Fed funds rate coming by 2028. Market at that point determines rate not Fed. No one will want treasuries.

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…that’s mathematically not possible. We’re gonna have a sovereign debt crisis well before 16%.

None of this matters anyway, they’re gonna reset the system with CBDC soon

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His point was that inflation gets so runaway that you can’t have 5% fed funds when rep inflation goes north of 35% The market then determines interest rates ;mortgages, auto loans etc). He said there will be a movement far away from govt debt as no one will trust the govt to pay it for I g treasury rates way up

He has been tracking this circle about 5 years now.. has said it happens 2025-2028 when rates soar. But yes, CBDC will be early next year. Then we get negative rates on our CBDC.

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Ok but the market doesn’t determine when the Fed goes back to QE because they will be massively suppressing rates. They cannot allow rates to go that high because the government has to service a 34 trillion $ debt

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Excellent proposition. Gold will be last to reflect inflation. If it's rising aggressively while raising interest rates... Things happen.

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So, here's the problem...there will come a point where there is not enough room left to RESCUE it...they won't be able to introduce enough new money into the system to buy the debt they need to buy to keep it going. AND THEY KNOW THIS! Then it all goes to shit...and we get offered the solution, the digital currency. Then, folks, we're all f@cked. Well, we're all already f@cked, most people just don't realize it yet...but we do.

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There are too many people who know it but, will not face it.

They'd rather get mad at people who expose the scams.

Still, the pressure builds. People are losing it. Watch how they drive or address people who they disagree with. They are losing everything.

Personal debt. It's a government issued death sentence.

Thing is, owning it all and no debt is a guarantee of nothing.

Keeping it from being confiscated will be the trick.

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.... and here I thought all those bankers jumping out windows in '29 were just trying to fly.

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If only all banksters would try to fly.....

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.... or try swimming in the deep-end with cement boots.

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your optimism is heartfelt and quite inspiring

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Agree!!! We know CBDC gets launched by June 2024 per BIS mandate in U.S. they need purchasing power to be soooo bad that people are desperate to take banker tokens

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We’re not fucked when they bring the CBDC. They may try to force a currency, but the people decide what’s money, ultimately.

It’ll be tough for a while, but when the common collective work out that a CBDC is a digital dog shit, it will be replaced by something of value. Be that, metals, BTC, physical assets (machines, liquor etc), and then the powers that be are fucked, as it will be obvious to EVERYONE, even the imbeciles, that the government tried to and has been screwing them senseless for decades.

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The ignorant masses have believed in worthless fiat for a long time now.

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Until the election is decided....the Fed will bail out the market....day after election...the bottom will fall out...IMHO. Pax

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It's been decided

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i expect the meltdown...timing? I read that the Yen is taking a hit and that they are largest holder of us treasuries

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"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless." - Thomas Jefferson

Stop It! - Great Taking - Tennessee State Legislature


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If they wanted to "Rescue The Market" inflation wouldn't be a thing & getting worse to this day yet people don't see thru the Bu11Sh1t that is happening to us

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Greg. I really wish you would stop using Google.

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Everything is compromised, telegram, rumble, truth social, X, YT, facebook, insta, odysee, bitchute...everything. Look deep into founders and funding: Unit 8200, talpiot, In-Q-tel & NSA.

We are on the front lines of Fifth-generation warfare and IIA(Interactive Internet Activities), there is no free lunch, it's about not being siloed, having the widest reach and still using it while we can.

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I am aware of the history.

I occasionally use Odysee and Bitchute.

I'm banned from everywhere else. You?

Btw we are not on the front lines of anything...keyboard warrior.

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A quick look at your substack reads tells me you are not discerning enough to unfollow obvious charlatans leading you into siloed dead-ends.

Another day another casualty.

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Best of luck to you kid

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Well evidence is in the past that they will continue to inflate. The play book hasn't really changed in a very long time. In their view, debt doesn't matter. Of course until it does. Obviously you can't spend recklessly forever. At some point it will all come crashing down. Whether that is in the form of other countries getting tired of the USA's hedgemoney and loose spending policies. Or perhaps even war. It is like having a neighbor who seems to be able to spend all he wants whenever he wants without any repercussions or responsibility. At some point you are going to hate that neighbor as you labor yourself to death. The US often misses the point in its arrogance that the worlds reserve currency is a privilege even if you do have the worlds largest military. A little humility would go a long way.

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Greg, that’s a great question. However, it’s like predicting when Jesus will return. The banksters will pull the plug when they determine the maximum bag holders are in position and the “inside track club” have left the casino.

Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.

-Johnny Zero


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The war drums are beating. Not only with Iran, Israel and Syria. Whats going on with China

and Tiwan?

Inflation is going higher. Debt is out of control and no one wants to buy it. (remember 2008)

Even the Fed will not be able to stop a meltdown if it doesn't do something soon.

But we are in a really strange situation because this market is an illusion, and that is dangerous.

We all need to pray. I'm serious.

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Hi Greg,

Given that we are in a disinflation environment, normally inflation would continue to drop but gradually. We're probably at 3.5% right now if not using the phoney cooked Biden numbers. That should continue BUT Powell is obsessed with goosing this market so pivot time is coming definitely before November to try and re-elect Biden. That means cutting rates which inevitably massively expands the money supply. Digitization of money is always massively inflationary so all it will do is elect Trump unless Trump has already dropped dead from the various trial stress. Could happen before November but I digress. So, if the Fed cuts rates, the market soars but only temporarily while gold and silver slingshot to the moon. Gold and silver will have an 8 to 10 year bull market while the stock market slowly lets the air out of the bag. In short, a recession followed by a stock market swandive down 50-70%. Probably a 2-3 year bear then the milkshake theory kicks in again so it can soar back up.

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Probably nick the pig or some fed blowhard talking the market down like blowstick plus use war as the excuse to cut rates along with keeping mummyman behind the desk with miss facha brute yellen as treasury secretary and as the scapegoat for hyperinflation blame the wars.

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Greenspan and former Fed chairs here openly admit that the debt market is quote ¨a ticking time bomb¨ and one speaker say's ¨If you look at Greece or Rome...this is how it always ends, a system such as ours.¨ (Do yourselves a favor and watch the video.)

Also mentioned is that one day the market will anticipate with maybe higher than expected inflation, and take the fed to task then force a sell off in the debt market leading to a spike in rates.

It's the most no BS and straightforward I've ever heard former Fed Chairs speak, almost with their guard completely down (Now Retired.) Openly admitting everything. Right in the open!

Since few people have the attention span to watch a one hour video, it's not even acknowledged or known by most so called experts or economists.

Paying for the Past | 2015 Fiscal Summit


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No end in sight. This treadmill will continue for years.

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Greg, do you read comments? Someone is blocking me out of your YT chat sections. Three different accounts locked out. I can't comment and support Greg. I support Greg's work where I can. But whoever is doing this, one of your mods (Lava) is operation on rumor against me? I'll give specifics should I get a response from Greg directly.

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market will be sacrificed to save bond market... the end

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Lender and Buyer of last resort Fed mandate destroy the dollar since most people have them

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