I believe many of the Elite's are working with members of the left and right in Washington and the Fed to destroy the moral fabric of our country and the traditional family values and norms that our country was founded on in order to confuse and divide us so that they can usher in a new system of economic slavery that they are using and will continue to use in order to destroy the middle class.

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I couldn’t agree more. That is EXACTLY what is going on.

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They ve been doing that for as long as I can recall..after Reagan was our president. REmember the stupid look on Bushes face when one of the secret service men whispered in his ear about 911 ? He wasnt at all shocked, he didnt shut the borders down, he s in on it, you cant tell me otherwise, he stinks to high heaven another wealthy stupid ass politician. He was no leader.

It s got increasingly bad after him..one after another.. down hill we went.

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That is what the UK Economist Gary Stephenson, explains is happening there and no doubt US. As well as others when checking. He goes into great detail what has been happening and end result, decimated and destroyed middle class. So you are correct.

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America is in a state of decay. Divided we fall!!!

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Divide and conquer seems to be winning.

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I call it subverted, converted, undermined, and the people kept in the dark on purpose. No more than modern day PIRATES. THIEVES.

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People are IGNORANT AND STUPID, and get offended !! Such bullcrap,, !! Kick you r pansy ass kid out the door !! Get a job and dont expect 20 bucks an hour, you didnt earn it! Go to a trade school and get some skills, stupid kids, and dont give them a cell phone ! im done..

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Are you all aware of the Ransome wear attackers ? Malware ? Many car dealership s were hacked and could not sell a single car because of this, how bout in the UK , they got hacked and 12 hospitals had to shut it all down, over here just up the street in upstate NY, a hospital was hacked!! No, lamestream media will not inform you, nope. It s new form of criminality ..they take out tankers and ships so they smash into bridges too... all on the computer. Better arm your company with a better IT person!! Its here and its real. Satin is having a grand ol time.... for now.

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I am 65, I am third generation Armenian. I m proud of my father who served in WW2. He was a participant in the ENOLAGAY mission and dropped the bomb on Japan. I m proud because I am an American and WW2 was the last war we won. That is my generation. Ones to follow me have no sense of patriotism , they dont pledge allegence to our flag, and most of them are terrible parents and rather smoke pot than own a gun, every generation that follows , gets worse and worse, to the point that they are sheep to the slaughter , they think Socialism is a good thing, notice the dems always use a term that sounds happy and is misleading, like gay, that meant being happy from my generation, the willful ignorance is over whelming to the generations under me, they live on credit cards and have an think the world owes them something. They are fat and happy and spoiled , the rest are living in thier parents basement smoking pot and gaming their lives away, never seeing the light of day. Those will be first in line to get on the trains , like the Jews in Ashevitz Germany , to the showers !! The dems took history our or schools, and parents use the schools as babysitters. They ve all bought into some other b.s way of living. I blame the parents first, you have to educate your kids! You can tell who got the belt at home! We have a generation of spoiled stupid brats. Forget the belt, use a 2 by 4! I grew up with REAL MUSIC too, not this rap crap and white kids trying to be black and are called wiggers..

Anyone my age , I ll go toe to toe with to educate them about what is really going on, but the rest, dont waste your breath , because THEY KNOW BETTER!.. such BS. Remember, you can vote your way into communism ( socialism ) , but you have to SHOOT YOUR WAY OUT!! God bless the America I grew up in. God bless our VETS , they deserve everything , not these illegals , ship them back to hell!

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Both are happening—it’s called the great divide!

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Matthew 24:37

But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

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Hi Greg,

To ask the question is to answer it: Americans used to be Americans first with most people having each other's backs. That's what being an American was all about. Today, now both the left and the right live for blood feuds, disrespect and dishonour. The right hates the left and vice versa. Individual Americans are no longer accorded the respect due to fellow human beings. It's one cult against the other and if you question or disagree with your particular cult variety it's harassment and death threats in spades. The United States can sink no lower. The dead vets who gave their all for America must be disgusted and spinning in their graves. What an incredible national disgrace. Just wait until Putin invades Europe: what a joke, one likely president who is too old, who lied about running again and is cognitively impaired versus another likely president who's also cognitively impaired, an asshole and sitting in Putin's pocket...both sides have done all they can NOT to make America great again. It's the beginning of the end for the American collosus. Putin must be shitting his pants with laughter.

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That Professor Wolff talk today is spot on. And US if you disagree with the road kill mob, called Government, MiC , they go out to kill everyone just as US Colonised from Indians. Huge farce going on.

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The Awake are coming together. The Sheeple are divided.

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.... I see people finally coming-together and getting behind the most hospitable warlord.

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people need to talk to each other - be calm be polite and respectful and keep talking

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perhaps we need a long depression to reset mankind's desire to come together.

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