There is a race for the elite to halve the world population by 2025 - 4 horsemen have to play out & then the evil antichrist enters the scene. Israel is also the place to watch, their compromised govt. with the devilish top jews. God has already given us the blue print in revelation, daniel 9:25-26,27, Lke 21:24, Zech:2:7 so many prophetic passages. Stick closely to Jesus not some money making preacher who is deceiving the flock. When we study the bible it is God talking to us.

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They already told us they want 95% depopulation. Not 50%. I believe they are serious.

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Jan 26, 2023·edited Jan 26, 2023

God is DESTROYING you Gentiles off the land so His people, us Hebrews, can inherit the land. You were warned, but you didn't listen. Now it's time to pay the price. It's time to Pay the Piper and the Piper's got his hand out looking for payment.


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What a lot of rot, two thirds of the unbelieving jews will be slaughtered in the battle of jezreel. They will weep for the son they did not believe in.

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God doesn't destroy the brains of people, He gave us choices to make, He doesn't force anyone to follow & love Him. He states in Romans that He allows them to follow their own evil desires. He stands back & says, 'You've got what you want, you didn't want to follow me - Are you Happy?' People who don't learn from history will never learn, they will repeat the same mistakes.

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I am not a mormon who gets paid to bring people into the demonic mormon cult who announce that Jesus is satans half brother. I am a believer in the Lord Jesus, I do not get payment I tell others so they won't spend eternity in hell.

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Yes He is the wonderful Jesus Christ who paid the sacrafice as a 'man' fully man on the cross. He could have used his divine power and get off the cross but He did not. We are not children over 16-17. True believers who study the bible and are grateful for having our sins washed away are waiting for the 2nd coming of Jesus & to spend eternity with the great "I AM". This world is run by satan. I am not trying to 'win' you - the day you have to spend in front of the Lord in judgement your eyes will be open.

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No end to war,homelessness or de valueing currency..we are at the point where they'll do what they want.

To the bat cave.

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I wouldn't be surprised if WE lite of a nuke, and blame Russia. Or Putin sets on off. Either way, it could easily spin out of control and go catastrophic.

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Immediate, forced conscription coming to a town near you. 😁😃🥳😃


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Don’t wait volunteer 🥳

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Yeah a fire cracker would do it being the world number one debtor nation

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Yeah Zelensky said it wouldn’t be world war 3 he got $500 million to spend

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I still have not heard from you on my offer to talk about your probable AIDS diagnosis. Each video you release I can see the disease visibly progressing. While there is no cure there are things you can do to slow the progression. Please reach out to my email and I will be happy to guide you on this difficult journey as you've guided me on my financial one. PLEASE take care of your self

Dr. Gilbert

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Dr... I can promise you that I am HIV negative. I'm 57 years old and in very good health. In fact I take NO medications at all. I appreciate your concern.

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Dr Gilbert is a troll.

He can see the disease progressing?

Dr Gilbert is a fraud.

You look very healthy Greg.

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Who gave the clown 2 likes

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Your mom did. Hahahahahahahaha 🥳🤣🥳🤣

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Should have known you were the other clown 🤡 like

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Dr.,could you give me advice on treating a bad case of rehypocathoation?

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Blame? Look no further than the gullible cattle that actually believe the fake media. I'm ready, let the nukes start falling

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nukes are fake

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lmao ur life must suck if ur ready to be nuked. my condolences on your shitty life

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It is you that has a shitty life just by reading your posts there CAGE......Sad

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Hey Greg! The US is sending 31 tanks....LOL

Russia can destroy these garbage tanks in 2 minutes....Fact

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hey tom crappos how does putins dick taste

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Hey CAGE, you have been dumbed down and brainwashed since birth....Fact

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What time does your shift at Wendy’s start? 🤣🤣

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A typical response by a dumbed down brainwashed child....Sad

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The truth hurts you....Fact

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Yeah went back to cage

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According to JoeBiden WW3 starts

with the shipment of “offensive equipment” like “tanks”to Ukraine.


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Pfizer Exploring "Mutating" COVID-19 Virus For New Vaccines


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Jan 26, 2023·edited Jan 26, 2023

Germanys Foreign Minister Annalena "Miss lowest IQ ever" Baerbock:

“We are fighting a war against Russia.”


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search for

🔎 "nukes are fake" 🔎


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Bill Gates is evil.

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Nukes are likely a globalist hoax. Everyone knows Biden is a globalist puppet- why should Putin be any different? They all work for the trillionaire globalists who OWN the central banks.


Hopefully, everyone here knows the moon landings were fake. If not- ask yourself how a spacecraft, travelling at 18,000 mph and falling (accelerating) towards the earth can land safely? Where's the fuel to slow down? The same applies to ICBMs.


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Do you still believe we went to the moon?

>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S1D65NMBfmo

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Looks like God is DESTROYING the Ukrainian Gentiles on the battlefield because they refuse to obey His commandments.

You Gentiles are under THE JUDGMENT OF GOD.


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Great video, Greg. Had to go back into my website and link it @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/ although I had already posted for today. I have never done that before in 7 years of linking news, but I felt this was too important of a video to wait and link it tomorrow. God bless you for all you do, have linked you for a long time.

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Ur video has been blocked in my region won’t play

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They already have, Greg. Watch yesterdays press conference begins around the 45 minute mark:


Description: There is now evidence to suggest that the SARS-CoV-2 virus was interpreted by the US as a national security threat in early 2020 and that the Department of Defense (DOD) has always had total control of the COVID program. Moreover, documents reveal that no clinical and manufacturing standards of practice have been applied to the COVID countermeasures vaccination program.

My comments and questions are near the end.

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The DoD instigated the entire plandemic. Lock step around the world. All militaries are in charge of the depopulation process.

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Sounds like Satan army

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It’s only just begun. Those who got the juice are now controlled by AI. When it gives the command Satan’s Black Army will attack.

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The District of Columbia is the gateway to hell. DC is the UNITED STATES private international corporation and is at war with We the People of the united States for America, the republic.

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DC stands for District of Criminals

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Reason for wanting Zelensky bust in the capital

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I have concluded the same.

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