The only thing I believe is the OPPOSITE of what she/it says!!

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All America cares about is what time the football game is on . As long as the easy money and bread and circus are continued to be provided the sheep have no care in the world , I wonder if your average sheeple would even know who or what yellinstain is or supposedly does ......

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$7 gallon gas and the 40% inflation on food and other items will wake their asses up! 50% earning over 100K are now paycheck to paycheck and in massive credit card debt. Clowns will be clowns, until they cant anymore!!

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sounds bad but honestly Americans need a kick in the A$$ to wake them up maybe losing their precious fiat dollars will finally do it , dosent seem like the kovid phased them at all just obey and roll up the sleeve!

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Wonder if jake the asshole is back on youtube with his football analysis

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I don’t believe anything these people say just like when Jay Powell said inflation is transitory!! I tend to believe the opposite of what these Things say!!

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I think she should be worried about that hair. And that voice...sounds like a four year old. She needs to go away...she’s stupid.

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Hello no . She looks like a hungry seagull.

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2008 "the banking system is strong"

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Seagull looking old hag

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Greg are you being mean again to that nice little old lady ….. LMFAO

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What is She smoking?

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But Greg just look at that face….😂

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Stop talking about my wife. I just finished giving her such a big, warm hug because she has been the harbinger of wealth and a great life to all Americans.

Then I grabbed her by her shoulders, looked deep into her eyes and kissed her. I slid my tongue DEEP into her mouth as she moaned. My tongue slipped all over her dripping, saliva coated tongue. You've seen the movie "Alien" when the creature had thick, dripping saliva coming out of his mouth. Kissing her was like that and I sucked up all that saliva too.

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face of despair going into the voyage of the disturbed.

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They can't be trusted.

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Hell no!! She’s full of shit!!

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You got it!

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