Thanks for burning the midnight oil for us Greg! 🙏🏼

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it looks like the Price of Gold is also telling us something......today...Friday Oct 13......i have never seen the price of Gold rise so far in one trading day.....and i have been watching this for a very long time

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Agree. When I first turned it on at 9:45 it was $39. I was thrilled. Then it just keep climbing. Silver also took an amazing run. Another NOT a coincident. Somebody knows something.

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somebody always knows something........most likely that somebody generally is the person or group that starts the turmoil.........and obviously they know how the market works so hence they do what ever it is their going to do to move the market where ever they want it to move to profit from it..........while the rest of us try to out think what the move is.........and most times we have no idea until the persons involved want us to know........ then most of the times it is too late for us.....the average investor....lol

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Yes, the market is rigged. I put very little of my money into it. I prefer the physical stuff. Shiny stuff, land, houses. Have done this since before the 2008 crash when I took everything out. Nothing wrong with investing some but people that tie up their wealth in the market are going to get took. But as always, that is in individual choice.

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Oct 14, 2023·edited Oct 14, 2023

You and me at 'shiny stuff' ❤️

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We are standing on the precipice of eternity, and now is the time as Greg says, to prepare physically, mentally and spiritually for what is about to come upon this earth as an overwhelming surprise. Get ready, get ready, get ready!

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Yup!!! Accept The Lord Jesus Christ and You will Survive!!!

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Thank GOD I live in Northern Wisconsin, so that we can live off MOTHER NATURE and not have TV. 👍

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Greg (and all).... Jesus Himself said that there will be wars and rumors of war "at the end of the age" (Revised Std. Version) and we also know that the really scholarly history books across many years has shown that "The History of Man is the History of War." When will we all realize that these battles between men is driven by a far deeper and more invisible battle within the spirit of man, good vs. evil, God vs. Satan (or whatever one wants to call him). We are warring not against flesh and blood but agains spiritual powers. I believe that these military battles are acting to distract us from economic and fiscal eruptions that always occur at the end of the long natural cycle called The Fourth Turning.

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MMRI 300 seems to be the new floor.

Remember the days of 225?

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I think the war is the solution to the bond market sell off though. Nobody will care what the Fed is doing while the world is burning. They’ll be able to monetize as much debt as they like

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Carry your gun!!

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It’s all a movie....

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95% of it is

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Hope you can get into your race car this weekend and have a little fun. Thank you for all your good work. It's the beginning on the end. The best revenge with have, is to enjoy our short lives. Cheers'

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I knew when I started following you a few years ago.... You were wide awake ! I am keeping everyone in my thoughts and prayers in these insane times 💞

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Thank you Greg for sharing this information. I agree, something is definitely coming. God bless you and your family. 🙏🏼

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I believe we’ve only scratched the surface when it comes to the level of misery the Banksters have in store for us. Scary times incoming as most people are not prepared to accept anything is even awry. so they will be caught with their pants down. No probs though because Blackrock and JP Morgan have, if I’m not mistaken, just started a scheme to digitize assets. So when it all comes tumbling down and we lose the fiat and all the derivatives we “have” in a drawer at cede and co. We’ll be able to spend our house and car collection.

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That makes a lot of sense!! I was wondering where they were going with the tokenisation of assets

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Something you haven’t mentioned about today’s action: bond yields were down sharply today but the market didn’t rally.

Meanwhile, the VIX was up more than 20% intraday.

This tells me that the market is pricing in some serious volatility in the next month or so.

I added more SPY puts to my position today.

If this war escalates over the weekend, we could open down 5% come Monday.

Put your seatbelt on. It’s gonna be a bumpy ride!

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And, then there is this: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/01/30/why-us-china-war-2025/

Like you say - the info is always out there - just need to know where to look....

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Fools are playing a dangerous game in the world. For the average person we will suffer for their actions more than we are already suffering.

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Big! Yes, really BIG! Just speculating, but I think our focus should be on Taiwan. The probability of a major incursion there is extremely high. Don't be distracted by the the Israeli/ Palestian/ Russia/Ukraine conflicts. Taiwan could be the BIG ONE.

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Why not all of the above at the same time i.e. WW3?

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Yes, very possible. My fear is that sides are starting to form. One mistake and all hell could be unleashed. Remember "the shot that was heard around the world" in 1914 when the Duke was killed.

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