Dec 24, 2022Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Very informative article. When I read it I could hear your voice narrating it, I just had to insert the "DUH's." Merry Christmas to you and your family Greg.

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Hi Gregory.. wow, a fantastic article. Everything you wrote about happened right in front of my eyes. I knew it was going on, however, I just could not stop it. I tried talking to people I knew, but their eyes just glazed over and they just didn't want to hear it. Now, 14 years later, housing prices are skyrocketing and so are interest rates. I've kept my family out of debt except for our mortgage. Thank God we have a 3.25% interest rate.

You keep writing, I'll keep listening and maybe we all get thru this together. Thank you for your ability to keep it simple for me to understand. A lot of writers will not tell the truth. They just try to scare the hell out of me. I appreciate you and keep up the good work you do...


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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Looking forward to your"simple strategy"

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Merry Christmas Greg.

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Merry Christmas Greg!!! Thank you !!! Wishing you the very best ever holiday!!!

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Good morning. Thank you. Merry Christmas..

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Goring's WWII sentiments sound eerily similar to why the Omnibus bill just passed. The masses don't come out in numbers against such porkulous spending nonsense because they're being led to slaughter by the mainstream propagandists. And, so the sheep either believe that Russia is bad or that the politicocorporatists have their best interest in mind...or both. Or maybe it's just that the average Joe is too busy with sports or his shows to give a shit.

And this...I don't think the average American fears war...We believe that war will never come to our shores. And this is a problem because fear is a motivator. Fear moves people out of their comfort zones, out of complacency, and into action.

But of course...As Greg mentions, how can people be fearful and therefore motivated to act if they're lulled into a false sense of security? "Keeping people distracted through the use of the mass media is a very decisive tool. Up until the last days of WWII the German people believed that they were winning the war because that is what the media was telling them."

Below is Goring's quote.

"Naturally, the common people don't want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship."

Thanks Greg, Merry Christmas

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American exceptionalism is part of the cause of US ambivalence. How can such fine people destroy themselves? The lot is already cast. The answer is in the wings.

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When those in power no longer fear that the people will push back against their chicanery, they are free to pillage, rape, and murder. And while rising up and striking fear into the hearts of the powerful might do the trick if we had the numbers, there are very few of us willing to pay the price for such an endeavor. As I see it currently, our choices are death, J6 type incarceration, or subsisting as slaves. Fear is a powerful motivator, in both directions.

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Merry Christmas fellow former Naval Officer. I am fan, because you unabashedly speak truth to power and you know your stuff!!

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Merry Christmas!

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Excellent article and depiction of the financial horrors coming for us . Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Greg. Thank you for everything Sir.

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Outstanding accumulation of significant information well worth the time and effort to absorb and enhance your knowledge

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Thanks greeg for the gift I’m sure to write this historical path it must took alot of your time and else wisdom I appreciated you and god bless you hope the world bring more people like your self merry Christmas and hope god give a very extended life

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Merry Christmas Mr M.

Thank you for your commitment towards information literacy

Everyone needs to hear this.!

Will share widely!

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Appreciate all you do.

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Merry Christmas Greg!!!!

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Dec 24, 2022Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Good article Greg - and Merry Christmas!

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