I do not represent any of these supposed representatives. I just do not represent these people who claim they fucking care when they are pushing to spill blood AND NOT THEIRS!

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I would be proud of our military if they ALL went AWOL

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War mongers should send their loved ones to the frontline to fight their "manufactured" wars.

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America being intentionally destroyed

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this is probably the reason oils being temporarly supressed drive it down buy low because its going to soar

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Somebody has the bright idea that the American people will rally behind the most unpopular president Biden because a war time president always wins re-election. The military can’t get people to enlist. Draft? Only congress can declare WAR. Time to let our congress and senators to express our displeasure.

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You think Congress or Senators care about your displeasure????


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People won't follow a mental cripple into a war.

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From Mike Adams Health Ranger

A competitor to the Suez Canal is being planned to cut across Israel and connect the Mediterranean Sea with the Red Sea. This canal would give the U.S. and Israel control over a key choke point in the world for military ships, grain exports, energy and other commodities. The planned route of the canal goes right through northern Gaza, and many analysts believe that Gaza is being destroyed and wiped out right now to make way for the construction of this canal, which would bring in billions of dollars a year for Israel and grant Israel control over its access. There are also large gas reserves in the area. Ben Gurion canal would give Israel and the USA immense power and control over sea transit

- Would control energy shipments, food shipments and economic productivity of the entire region

- Planned canal needs to be dug right through northern Gaza

- Northern Gaza is currently being bombed and leveled with bulldozers

- The canal would be excavated using 500+ nuclear detonations to turn entire mountains into rubble

- The canal would produce $10B+ in revenue for Israel each year

- Israel would have naval access connecting the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea

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Initial plan in 1963

In July 1963, the United States Department of Energy and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory created a classified document that outlined a plan to use 520 buried nuclear explosions to help in the excavation process through the hills in the Negev Desert. The document was declassified in 1993.[3][4]

RESULT? Nothing happened.

"use 520 buried nuclear explosions to help in the excavation process" >>> Nukes are fake.

So, IF this is still a plan, there is a (very) long way to go. FIRST ww3 than Ben Gurion Canal.

BUT ::: After ww3 there will be no need for this Project. And today? Is Israel exporting or importing such amount of anything that this makes any sense? I don't think so. Would be better and more easy to conquer Egypt, hahaha.

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Thinking, connecting from the Mediterranean through Gaza into the Dead Sea. Intern flooding it and bypassing the Suez canal. Ummm

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I like this analysis. What are your sources? I have not this anywhere else.

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On Brighteon. - The Health Ranger - I first read it in his daily newsletter. It was also posted on Rumor Mill News

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Ben Gurion canal project. It goes north of Gaza, not through it. That is the official statement from Israel.

Many archeological sites could be destroyed.

That's why nothing has been done since 1963 when the plan was created and classified until 1993.

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Just googled it...it's all over the internet and wiki

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Ben Gurion canal project. It goes north of Gaza, not through it. That is the official statement from Israel.

Many archeological sites could be destroyed.

That's why nothing has been done since 1963 when the plan was created and classified until 1993.

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Nov 7, 2023·edited Nov 7, 2023

Subject discussed briefly at the beginning of interview. This may happen, might be the plan. But won't happen during war time and agreements and funding would be needed. I am just forwarding info from others much more knowledgeable than me.


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'Wars R Us' should be the nation's national motto.

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Sadly, one could say

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I hope all those men crossing our border signed up for selective service because I feel a draft coming.

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Just imagine if the effort in human endeavor and capital could be used for human and earthly benefit what a paradise we’d all be able to enjoy.

I wonder what the total world mental, physical and economic might could have accomplished?

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thank you again Greg for this update......always appreciated.....

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If we as a group, as a people are able to live through this crap? I'll be shock myself how these people want to push for war in the shadows of Congress as well as the Senate

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I agree... buy oil now. It is going to soar in the next month or two

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And oil goes lower

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It’s a gift

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Time to buy! Joe will crap his diaper if somebody retaliates.

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Ah, NO! There was a huge purge when the 'cure' was mandatory for troops. Same w/the po-lice/EMTs/fireman/ect 3 years ago. Now add the fact there are high heels in the ranks.....on da menz. Is that kosher (hint) w/the Russians? China? A hellen no! Now there is like 15 million illegals running loose (moose-lems) to be on the ready when the markets CRASH after a major event THERE & stateside. And looking at the Gen Y & Z a cake walk in the big blue cities.

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Psychopaths at their finest. Perhaps we can drop our fearless neo-con Rambo, Sin-ator Ms. Lindsey. into Iran to demonstrate our resolve. Sin-ator Blumenthal (I was a Vietnam vet - NOT - fame) can carry the cosmetic bag.

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The Ohio class submarines are carrying what has been described as America’s “Ace in the Hole”- our most powerful nuclear warheads. Remember the odd PSA’s about a year and a half ago, urging Mew Yorkers to go indoors and wait for instructions if their city was hit by a nuclear bomb? I think the elites want nuclear war, and they’ve planned to get it. This new maneuver strikes me as a step along the way. Not good. They’ll taunt and threaten like the bullies they are until somebody finally cracks and the real fight is on. But probably not until after the Christmas bonuses are handed out. The idiot elites think their actions will affect only the peasants, never themselves.

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Don't worry. Nukes are fake.

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