I haven't heard that, but either way, I won't be complying with and vax. I've seen too may die from turbo cancer post vax.

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Oh sure. And this is the guy who locked down the country. Don't comply...until i become President Figurehead. And this is why I won't vote for either of the 'tards'.

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*Citation needed

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I've yet to hear this from President Warp Speed.. I've also yet to hear him condemn the "beautiful vax" he(no We, he wants us to alps be proud) that is killing and maiming by the countless millions.

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You mean the one who let the people decide if the took it or not?

Biden was the one who forced it on the sheeple. You remember that, dontcha?

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Point taken. But do you think maybe he also could have been cajoled to mandate it too if he had been reelected? He's kinda wishy washy.

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I really don't think so. Reason being, he would not have wanted to destroy the economy. Bad for business. Also there was a lot of pushback on vaxxing the military with an experimental vaccine like happened with the Anthrax shot and Swine Flu shot years ago.

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One can make guesses all day about different scenarios "what could have been"....but is it productive? Is it grounded in reality? Can you depend on it?

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I doubt President Trump would mandate an experimental vax. That would be unconstitutional. (Just like Steward Biden found out when he tried to force it)

Of course, then Biden went the Fascism route and tried to get private business to force their employees if they wanted to continue with Federal Contracts.

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Exactly. Well said

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A lot of us didn't have the answer then. He had bad sources. Let's see if he still likes fascinating, birx.

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That's funny!.....'Trump speaking out AGAINST.....!'. Since he did not, and STILL DOES NOT, acknowledge that the 'CV19' BULLSHIT was, INDEED, a PSYOP (a FAKE, NON-'virus')! And HE STILL.....to THIS VERY DAY, is SO PROUD of his 'Operation Warp Speed', that MURDERED MILLIONS OF AMERICANS, and INJURED MILLIONS MORE!!

So, Greg.....I will say that this IS FALSE!

POTUS Trump CANNOT BE TRUSTED to even give me a weather report!!

Two words......


DR. SHIVA 2024!!!!

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He said this LAST YEAR; and he said this of "New CV19 Variants". He said, LAST YEAR, of the 'new CV19 variants', that 'we' would not comply with new mask mandates, lock-downs and 'vaccine' mandates'.

What he said LAST YEAR, has NOTHING to do with (the FAKE) 'Bird Flu'.

POTUS Trump STILL has NOT acknowledged that the 'CV19' was, IN FACT, a PsyOp. As I stated before.....he STILL is SO PROUD of 'Operation Warp Speed' that MURDERED MILLIONS of Americans, and INJURED MILLIONS MORE!

The FACT that he ALLOWED 'Operation Warp Speed'.


The FACT that he does NOT acknowledge that there was NO 'pandemic'.

The FACT that he STILL BELIEVES (as opposed to THINK!) that there WAS a 'pandemic'.

The FACT that he 'BELIEVES' that there ARE 'viruses'.


And so on.......


I will NEVER vote for POTUS Trump again! As a matter of FACT.....he IS COMPLICIT in THESE CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY! And needs to be HUNG, with ALL OF THE REST OF THEM!

"Fool Me Once.....Shame On YOU! Fool Me Twice.....SHAME ON ME!!".

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Probably the same Trump worshippers who said he was “bankrupting the fed” lmao

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The Federal Reserve, Central Bankers have been the main target, the main threats to our livelihood

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I am sorry but from what I have experienced from the past. I believe all of world wide illness start from US messing around trying to be god. Plain and simple. They think they can vaccine our Diseases away when we probably. All we need is to eat all of them away with healthy food and better nutrition. But that's not profitable.

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Thats what we have an immuno system for. Keep that strong.

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You can't keep the immune system strong without nutrition, vitamins and everything in health ranges.

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May 23·edited May 23

The world can trust Trump, Biden, Harris, Obama, whoever when it comes to D.C. politicians,the plan is still ongoing and it is to destroy our way of life. Order Out Of Chaos to control us. Sadly too many people still trust in these political snakes who claim to care about our well being

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Yep! It is true. I watched Trump talk about it. But let's remember folks,. Trump also PUSHED THE VACCINES and PAID HOSPITALS. So, he don't get off the hook that easy with me and before anyone writes back, please consider that every single solitary person with ONE FUCNTIONING BRAIN CELL, did have the oppurtunity to research what was going on and that included Trump.

There were many, many doctors telling him to WAIT! HOLD ON! We don't know enough about the vaccines and yet? He didn't listen.

We just buried a family member of mine a few days ago. He took the shot. I was one of only three or four people who told him to NOT do it. Covid is just the flu, on steroids.

What a loss.

He was an outstanding human being..............

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Sorry for your loss. I lost my youngest brother and my brother in law to this poison. Nobody listened to me either.

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Sad isn't it? You try to help and no one listens. My pop got it. So did my uncle. I am waiting for the call.You know, when someone tells me he died in his sleep.....

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Who fucking cares what Trump says? Who cares what any lieing Government figurehead says? Who cares what the Media says? They all say whatever suits them today to get whatever reaction they want and tomorrow it is very likely the complete opposite.

STOP putting any faith or credence in anything anyone says. Open your eyes!

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Gonna miss you Greg! Take care and enjoy!

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You need some R & R Brother! Take it. Savor it. Chill out :-)

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He said it at the NJ rally last weekend if I remember correctly, I’ll try to find it later tonight

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Have people not realized by now it does not matter what any politician (or anyone for that matter) says. They almost always backtrack at some point. There is always an excuse to change one's opinion.

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If you have the clip please show it. He opposes it for now…. But if selected it’ll be a.lowed to occur in full now this prediction could change based on what msm and the maga mami media says. Either way it’s a possible excuse just like convid was to cover for the demolition of the economy.

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It was from last year when they tried to roll out convid again listen to Trump say that in his speech. He’s in on the bird flu scam.

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Like I said, I think it was in NJ. I’ll try and find it after I put the kids to bed tonight

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I just spent the day at a CDC meeting and no one was talking about bird flu.

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God Bless you or telling us the Truth:)

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