The Middle East is going to burn, and in the end Israel is going to hurt a lot.

But tensions are building up here in the north too ! New gas attack, on the line from Finland is going to press the El prices sky hi this winter. Scandinavia is going to serve the Baltics with power. So the pressure is really building fast.

Americans in Syria are making trouble too - trying to start fire there.

We are going to have war all around.

But we all knew this was going to happen - thanks to you - Greg.

If I try to say anything about this - I have given up.


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Im just gonna keep buying gold and silver.

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What’s blowing my mind is: the worse the situation in Israel gets (or gets reported) the LOWER the US10YR yield goes. —So WWIII is the best thing ever for the debt market 🤪… we’re all toast.

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My nickname for Bostic is ‘Caustic Bostic’ because his lies are corrosive

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Nice Ol Hickory you a wordsmith

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Doesn’t look good!

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Israel sends missiles into Damascus from its warplanes over Lebanon almost every month killing civilians. Reuters, the Rothschild rag, quotes Israeli military regarding Syrian missiles landing on its territory. (the Golan Heights). Bibi says it's ours and we stole it from Syria fair and square because it's loaded with oil. Cheney is an investor. It's just the hypocrisy that bugs me.

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I must say this is some entertaining shit on this post

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The world is in a war cycle

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I knew this was going to0 happen. This is going to widen far from Israels borders. I just don't understand what Muslims don't understand the land of Israel was given to them by GOD. This is going to turn into a huge mess. Like Nero, Joe Biden is fiddling' while the USA burns.

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https://youtu.be/Kh4U0l0X-T8?si=Wi9LD8mCjnphw0hU Daniel's 70 weeks, where is the rapture and 7yr tribulation

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Given by God and then taken away, read your scripture

Also don't you know Israel split and became two kingdoms? Israel and Judah?

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Thanks for the Bible history lesson . Israel was 2 territories not nations. God gave the promise land to the Jews. It was never lost. God never took it away. Please educate all us as to where in the Bible God took away the promised land.

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Christian your allegiance is to Christ; not to faux israel https://youtu.be/-1q1hfMZD6I?si=We_mFvAgqodFU52z

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Oct 11, 2023·edited Oct 11, 2023

That Isreal that rejects God when rejecting the Christ. That nation with what is considered the gay capital of the world at Tel Aviv. "All Israel will be saved " so there is still hope for them. God will yet show his faithfulness and at the coming of his kingdom on this earth ALL ISRAEL will be returned to the land.

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Only God knows where the descendants of Israel are. For all you know you may be a direct descendant of Asher or Gad maybe Reuben or Issacar or even that part of Levi that joined with Jeroboam. It sounds like you never read it before but the Jews were made up of Benjamin, Judah and part of Levi. Maybe you didn't know God said he would tear apart the kingdom after the death of Solomon.

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They were two kingdoms one based in Sameria the other in the south at Jerusalem and I bet they considered themselves two nations.

Have you not read of Assyria and what they did to Israel? Israel has disappeared and not only the land but their identity. How about Babylon and Judah? When Cyrus let the Jews return to the land (preparation for the coming Messiah and the fulfillment of prophecy) were they under their own sovereignty? Later under the Romans? The children of Israel were rebellious back then and are to this day with Judah only retaining their identity. If you think that nation is the fulfillment of prophecy I need to give you another Bible study.

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I am an israeli! I live here ! Things are not as the media tells , no expanding war the media exagarates the story, , its not true!!!, there is no intention to expand the war , Israeli inteligence system in Gaza , didnt respond probably as a result of the Hamas bombing it in few places...it didnt operate , so all the other components didnt respond as they should have..the electronic system.wasnt backed by the military which is a major misconception .... which enabled these militants ,armed to the teeth , to infeltrate through the fences and commit these horrible crimes.

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Bostic is set to talk again today!!! Round 2 from the Boss of Ticks (Parasite Lord Bostic).

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“Greater Israel”

>>> Me think, good information inside.

>>> Me think, the whole shit is (much) more complicated.

The Plan for the Middle East

Theodore Herzl (1904) // Rabbi Fischmann (1947) // The Yinon Plan


Divide, Conquer and Rule the “New Middle East”


Who “Encouraged and Started Hamas”, Rep. Ron Paul


Question: Will the current environment divide Arabic World or will it unite them? Question: How long will it take the Muslims to bring the war to the metropolises of Europe (France and GB first, Germany later) and the U.S.A.? Question: Who brought the Muslim fighters to the States and why?

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Inaccurate headline. These are not 'Syrian shells'. The Syrian Arab Republic does not launch offensive strikes on Israel because they know they would be obliterated. But Israel routinely bombs Syria.

They were fired by Hamas who are sponsored by Qatar and whose political HQ is in Doha Qatar. Hamas are transnational Muslim Brotherhood shock troops - just like ISIL aka ISIS, al Nusra Front, Ahrar Al Sham and all their many affiliates, who are also shock troops and receive considerable support via Qatar and Western intelligence agencies. The Taliban even set up an office in Doha Qatar in 2013.

Syria's top priority is battling Islamist shock troops inside Syria since the Western-backed "Syrian Revolution". In August 2023. Hamas announced its intention to reopen its office in Damascus which was closed in 2012, "despite recent comments by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad accusing the Palestinian group of “betrayal and hypocrisy”. SOURCE: The New Arab

Hamas has also been called 'uninvited guests' in Syria.

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We KNOW where this is all going.... it's ALL a script and everyone has their part...... sit back watch the shit show BUT protect yourself everyway possible. Ephesians 6:11, to 18

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Jimmy Evans the famous minister and expert on the Book of Revelations in the Bible ( in case you never heard of it) , he believes we are living in the last days of the

“Last Days “. It’s good to be a Christian and know where you are going if this is true. Bless the victims in this war.

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