Jun 12Liked by Gregory Mannarino

That tells me, buy the dip.

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Your work is second to none Greg. Thank you for what you do.

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Jun 12Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Love the MMRI!!!!!

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Jun 12Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Monetizing the debt. We are way beyond no man's land now. It is amazing how many still believe in worthless Government/FED fiat. Traders/investors are clueless these days.

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I disagree, the 'Traders' (those who invest OTHER PEOPLE'S Money) are not clueless, they are THIEVES!! stealing the hard working 'investors' money' they did that to me for years, until I got wise and told them to 'pound sand'. it's amazing that they 'claim' to be 'fiduciary's' for their clients and nothing could be farther from the truth. Crooks, all of them.

like Greg does on his video's, I SPIT ON THEM and fart in their general direction.

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Jun 12Liked by Gregory Mannarino


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Jun 12Liked by Gregory Mannarino

More Fed pumping

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Jun 12Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Totally agree with you. Election year shenanigans. Also notice gas prices here in Bradenton? How does that happen when fighting 2 wars?

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MMRI is on my watchlist!

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I think the real problem is we the divided people Of these United States Of America’s to blame, because we can’t unite and come to agreement on anything, especially when it would be in our best-benefit to advance the wages and lifestyle of Americans! Some workers haven’t had a raise in 30-years!

No, we can’t have that, so we elect these crooked politicians on both sides of the aisle every election cycle expecting a different outcome—that’s futile! The divided-con gress is the spitting image of the people! It really is a damn shame that we’re governed by millionaires in con gress, when we’re the majority that send these people to con gress to do our bidding and we get nothing in return that would secure our lives, liberties and the pursuit of happiness

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I just sold all of my investment properties I've owned for 20 years. Is it too late/dangerous to get into stocks now if we haven't participated in any of the run up of the past year?

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Since I own 'metal' I want the MMRI to go HIGHER!!

but 'INFLATION' (for those who are aware it's inceasing) will help those prices rise. :-)

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12

... what a gift - for $30/ - can't shake a stick at it... who says we're getting ripped off? You're getting way too much for your money... you're blind if you can't see the emperor wears nothing but his naked shorts. The clusterfucks give quantum entanglement a whole new meaning in the metals markets.... is this the fire in the mafia'-madhouse moment? Shouldn't we be helping keep this all a secret? Nah...

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Its Jennet Yellen who is buying long term debt back at low interest rates and replacing it with short term debt at higher rates. Does this makes sense?

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I found the following recent video interview with David Jensen incredibly informative regarding how the Bank of England naked shorts PM’s via the LBMA to suppress the price of PMs. The article is very focused on the Shanghai exchange and silver in particular, and why at least 4 major bullion banks have sent their CEO’s (including Jamie Demon) to Shanghai with hat in hand. The LBMA is a spot OTC exchange with transactions directly contracted between two parties. However, in the past the vast majority of transactions have been for rehypothecated “promissory notes” as opposed to physical. As more parties are demanding physical, the actual inventory of silver bullion at the LBMA is shrinking. If they must default on a contract, then the jig is up for the price suppression. There is also the question of the financial consequences to the bullion banks with their massive naked short holdings. Even with the COMEX loophole of settling the trade in USD, there would still be a huge loss when the price explodes. However, it appears to me that the banks this past week are going all out to keep the price below the new support level of USD 30 despite them having to add to their naked short positions.


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Hot off the press re silver and Shanghai

Looks like the silver super naked shorting has inspired people to back up their trucks at the Shanghai loading ramp.


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