Sep 18Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Greg, I think you have a decent amount of new people here, some of them not well versed in your messages.

Some of them think that all this "political" stuff is real. Maybe you should take a wee bit of time to slowly explain to them the truth. I say that not to poke at them, but because they really just don't know and kinda need a Mannarino Master Class in reality in a ten minute nutshell maybe.

I think they are very sincere, just maybe haven't been exposed to people like you or Celente much.

Help them out buddy. 😃

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Yeah I noticed that too but the price of fame has a high price

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The one thing I kept thinking, is when ever the debt market implosion happens there has to be an event that happens. Something unmistakable. Where in the world is most likely for that to occur? Would it likely be in the place that holds the most amount of U.S. debt?

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I wish that I had an answer.

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I disagree respectfully when sports shut down run for the hills

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RemovedSep 19
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We got the Greg poser in the house

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Sep 18Liked by Gregory Mannarino

Greg you are the man! Was expecting to hear if you bought today but I don't think you commented on it? Please let us know.

I bought a little today and am probably buying more tomorrow if it continues down.

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Yes. I told everyone how I was going to play it in my morning video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qf3KyjWmW2Y

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I miss the days of SBUX puts :)

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Will Weld 4 Food & 🍺

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Japan will spark it

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I'm guessing that the floor is in for long term (30 yr) rates...theyre going higher prompted by the inflationary nature of the fed cuts.

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No it is not. Government Bond markets in the US and Europe/UK bottomed last year around Oct 23, since then they have recovered after a 40-50% fall from March//April 2020. With global interest rates falling it is likely bond yields will continue to fall and bond prices therefore increase in value!

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Bottom line: We are up shit creek without a paddle and a pan sell off would be a gift for a few days. But eventually the masses will wake up and certain commodities will be going parabolic.

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Florida voters…. PLEASE VOTE YES ON #2, don’t care at all whom you vote for POTUS. Simple 2 sentance amendment that enshrines our natural right to hunt and fish. #yeson2

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Don’t need no right when you hungry

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Mass of stocks option expire on Friday

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Is that good or bad for the market?

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Grandma Yellen on Friday morning after hard market sell off tomorrow. CNBC host: “Madam Secretary, do you worry futures are down 1,000 points before the opening bell this morning? Especially after yesterday’s 2,000 point sell off?”

Grandma Y: “Well, I don’t see any indication that would cause me to worry at this point. The data is strong, consumer spending is strong, and if anything we are experiencing a Yellow Stain tantrum right now that is transitory. You and your friends here on the trading floor should not read much into this slight correction. If we have another sell off on Monday just stop by my house for milk and cookie’s”.

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Definitely a whip saw market today. 50 bips exceeded expectations. Also the commitment for 50 more in Q4 was very dovish. To top that another 100 bip shave in Q1 2025. Market seems to have been spooked phycologically.

Greg you talked about this the other day. If the Fed came out too dovish it would signal serious concern of a major recession ahead. Maybe Yellow Stain went too far. Grandma Yellen to the rescue on Friday…

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Looking at the MMRI's current downtrend trajectory, today's bump will probably turn out to be another lower high, followed by a lower low: - a classic chart indicator for determining a downtrend.

It's probably nothing to get flustered about?

The bigger picture suggests the downtrend will continue, - we'll see?

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I was wondering why the market was going higher into the FED decision, which would normally mean it would go lower after the decision. Maybe they're wanting to flush out the leveraged longs for a while before continuing higher.

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Sep 19·edited Sep 19

Who knows?

It might be foreign holders selling? - precision timing their dumps to coincide with the FED rises to keep markets stable?

Despite their differences, nations do actually have to work together on such things, and China knows only too well, that it cannot dump its U.S. Treasuries all at once without destroying its owns finances: its a slow drip process.

It probably not too dissimilar to an IPO, where on day one, the new public buyers come rushing in. Then a day or two later, the private holders sell at a nice profit, whilst the new buyers get hammered. That's why I never buy IPO's until the initial activity has settled.

We'll see?

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