It's like watching a circus. After so many years, this is what we get for the "selection" game.

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Just like in Rome. Bread and Circuses for the ignorant masses.

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No bread 🥖

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Unfortunately everybody will root for their "man".

The masses don't have ears to hear or eyes to see!!

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Or the mouth to speak!

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The entire debate will be Biden blaming Trump for everything that is wrong with America. Biden will recite one line zingers, because he can’t defend his policies and is too mentally impaired to explain anything. CNN will do its best to help Biden and hurt Trump. But, Trump and his team know that.

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The tenant of the Resolute Desk matters NONE!!!! Keep on with divide, that's what they want .

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99% of people are too brainwashed to ever consider this

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sad ...but true...

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Greg, your information appears to come from one of your confidential sources. If your source's information is accurate, this country is in a bigger pile of manure than most people realize. I do not intend to watch the debate. It will be a stage managed hit job on Trump, designed to ignite his followers into doing something stupid. This is part of a larger information operation designed to divert attention away from the fact that we are in a de facto state of war with Russia that's about to heat up. Keep up the great work!

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We are in deep shit. The USA has been in a depression for decades now. The only reason you don't see the soup lines of the 1930s is because of Government handouts such as food stamps, welfare and EBT cards. The USA is one big lie.

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@Randy, absolutely! The depression began on 11 September 2001 when the USA lost $1 trillion in value in a few hours. (Back when $1 trillion was real money.) Since then the inmates have been running the asylum: Patriot Act, GFC, Tarp, wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. I estimate that at some point the Government will reduce or even cease the handouts, causing civil unrest and forcing emergency actions. Just one possible scenario.

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Yes, indeed. It is a massive coverup.

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TRUE!!!! sad so sad...but so true!!

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We all know who controls the financial system. I’m sure the Hasbara kikeroaches will be along shortly to attack me for calling the Jews out by name. The more they try to prove me wrong, the more they prove me right.

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Kenites! Revelation 2:9 & 3:9

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Those who know Scripture know there are two types of Jews. You have the Hebrew Jews (God's chosen) and then you have the Jews from the Synagogue of Satan. Those who attack you have no clue.

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doesn’t surprise me at all 😝

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As Greg would say, "DUH!"

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I just taught my 9 year old son how inflation works. I taught him about the federal reserve and how they are not federal and have no reserves. Gotta teach the treachery at a young age. If you instill at a young age then they will understand. I taught him on something he understands, McDonald's. I told him I remember a happy meal was around $3. when I was in my 20's. Now it's around $7, 20 years later. . I explained how the dollar is losing value, that's why things cost more. I also explained why it's losing value. I felt like I got through to him.

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25

I hope you also taught him that McDonald’s and most other fast food, is seasoned turd.

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Yeah Dad I need an increase in allowance

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It does not surprise me. The USA is one big fat Ponzi scheme lie.

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LOL CNN won't blame Biden at all GM. Didn't you know the economy is great! Inflation and gas pricess. are down and there are over a million genders. According to stupid everything is great! GM I agree Trump won't fix anything but hopefully he can bring gas prices down to a $1.50.

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😂. You continue to believe The President, no matter the name, will fix things. Come on!!!!

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... I used to believe ....but I have seen the light....

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Gabby, closing the border on day one, is reason enough to select Trump. Stop the flood... I am not expecting anything to really help working folks, as America is free-falling into oblivion. Just the example of keeping ol poopy pants, upright is just one example of the Dem miracles that will never cease.

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Don't be gullible to what they promise!! Don't you know they say what you want to hear??

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Oh please not one President EVER has been able to close the borders. They don't want the borders closed & that includes TRUMP . The my side, their side is what's killing society. As Greg says takes two wings to fly.

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yes yes yesssssss....

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You are a political lemming, ready to over the cliff. Your hopelessness is irrelevant to me. America is worth saving, but you have already given up. Did President Trump slow down the destructive border onslaught to a trickle, or not? Yes, he did. Let me repeat that. YES, HE DID! He will do it again. That is enough for me. Obey THe Pug!

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God bless you ... Thank you..Gabby!!

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I explain to people the real culprit is the central banks around the world and the bank of international settlements and all need to be eliminated. No one gets it or responds. Just that dumb zombie look I get from everyone.

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Yes.... I see that same face on people.... it sicken s me... God ... knows..

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Not watching as this is controlled and worthless. I know the outcome.

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Agree, it is for the ignorant masses only.

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Uniparty schmucks gm keep up the good fight sir

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Totally agree. If Trump was really who people think he is he would have JFK’d already

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Trump is part of the system. He lied about releasing the JFK files, about consumers not paying for the tariffs and that all of the gold was still in Ft. Knox.

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