So sad only a fraction understand this . This system is over they could lower rates to zero but hyperinflation would rise in short order. Its a wrap folks hopefully everyone prepared the best they can

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Principal (money lent) is created when debt is issued. We all know that debt repayment is comprised of Principal AND Interest. It is this need to create new debt (Principal) to provide currency to pay old Interest that explains why debt must be expanded and at ever increasing amounts. Once currency expansion stops, you either service debt directly through labor (indentured servitude), through tangible assets (repossession) or through default (lender pays). We know the lenders are aiming for the first two in order to own it all, people and property.

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They make it fortune in real estate interest!

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Wowza! Hold onto your hats everyone!

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I remember in 1975 our debt nationally reach one trillion. I’ve been expecting this for nearly 50 years. I’m really concerned for people stuck in slavelandia and really for all of us.. This crash has to happen if there is any chance of building a better and financially stable world. It’s about to get real western.

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It took the nation 200 years to get to 1 trillion........the US government just borrowed 1.3 trillion in the last 3 months!

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U.S.A. The United Slaves of America!

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Yes that's the pathetic reality.

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Good morning..

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TheCreature from Jekyll Island explained perfectly.


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Is this an out of control demolition of the global economic system, in order to implement a global CBDC?

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Another concept for this is Cloward-Piven strategy. Load on more debt and load in more “immigrants” into the system who get paid to break the law (their checks are larger monthly than average SS check) and overwhelm and collapse the financial system with massive debt by a central bank. This ushers in full communism in which all wealth comes mediated away by the “government” and a full control grid installed. Welcome to the planet’s first fourth world country in process!

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The real question is when and how severe? Likewise what will be the government’s response. We know that the markets will crater to a new support level and will reach equilibrium. Those in power will see this as a threat and will likely do something stupid to take people’s minds off of the problem. Historically such events have triggered wars. Thoughts?

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I honestly don’t think the intention is to save the system now. They want to usher in the new digital concentration camp CBDC enslavement system. It’s called “going direct reset”. Worse than slavery, you work for digitized tokens that a govt/central bank programs as to what or if you can even buy anything and how far from home. The tokens can expire at anytime. And you can be starved out at the will of govt. to stop inflation, they simply vanish everyone’s tokens one night

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The will of the government will be to quash dissent. It will be dissidents who have their tokens deactivated first. We've already seen examples, one being Turdeau freezing the bank accounts of protesters in the Freedom Convoy.

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Is there any safe store of value other than hard assets like gold and silver? Money markets?

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Gold and Silver have been money for thousands of years. Why would you think to trust Money Markets?

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I have been saying that for a long time...STACK

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Bitcoin in a cold wallet used peer to peer.(decentralized) Hold long term. don't get nervous about the ups and downs. I like silver coins.

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the gov made it ,and is not going to let it run along with FEDCOIN

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Bitcoin can't be stopped. At best the USA could ban it but it would continue to thrive elsewhere. At this point it is far riskier to NOT hold any. Adoption curves don't lie.

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I think being decentralized makes you wrong about this.

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My view is energy is the place to be. With BRICS in control of the energy, it is going much higher.

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The Money system is an occult system operating by Kabala Magic … ('Money' is debt .. 'Black Hole'… black is white)

The Weather is a natural system now operating by Geoengineering,

The two are alike …. but in the same way as a film photo ,, a negative and a positive.

In the first you have labor and money .. in the second you have Sun and rain.

(What we have is like man made 'global warming')

The reduced labor and increased money produces a 'scorched earth' .

Increased sun and reduced rain produces a 'scorched earth'.

Without the Kabalah Magic and without the Geoengineering we will have still have some people who labor and consume, and we will still have natural weather … there will still be night and day and sun and rain …. there will still be labor and a means of exchange … the weather could be free of geoengineering and Man, free of Kabalah Magic, could have a free market ….

a situation not to be confused with Utopia!

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Have you read the creature from jekyll Island?

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"This process leads to debt 'selling off' which pushes bond yields even higher, further exacerbating losses for holders of debt securities- a negative feedback loop."

I know you are not a control systems engineer, but you described a POSITIVE feedback loop. NEGATIVE feedback loops DAMPEN input responses; positive loops AMPLIFY the inputs. Good article!

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Thanks Greg. I think that is the most concise and easily understandable explanation of what is happening in the world. Now we all have to try and navigate the coming implosion or explosion. I recently got completely out of the stock market and paid cash for 30 acres in the middle of nowhere (in Indiana) with farmland, pasture 2 large ponds and woods. I hope to get as self sufficient as possible and ride out the storm. Again, thanks for all you do.

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