What does "mandate" mean. It is not a law. You do not have to do it.


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Re: Greg 10:00 AM analysis. Okay, so all these pundits Gunlach, Dalio, etc., etc. cogitate

the end of the dollar even as the world economy is tanking as well because all the nations

have bought and keep nationalism and so they want actual jobs and economy for and in their

own nations. Anytime, you deglobalize production points, shipping, etc. you're going to have

a substantial kick ass down trend of all economies. So the Fed pumps up the markets with

the juice here in the US and around the World in "conjunction" with other Central Banks because

they know the end result of sh____tier and sh___tirer economic globally in terms of jobs, income,

production in any given nation, as well as the call for more radical nationalism. This then leads to

not only economic meltdowns across the world, but also less income, less buying power and

less stuff bought by we the little monkey consumers. When people have less and less and the

lower echelons have even less than less, you end up with domestic intranquility, riots, demonstrations, civil wars attempted coup d'etats (*that should sound familiar) and throw

in nationalism in that master creepy brew and you get rising tides of fascism and calls to

"take the "sh__" of other nations" because of their internal domestic debacles so they pin

on the outside boogey man or men. I said this about year or two ago. So, the Russian Leadership and Chinese and all their supporting states will claim US Imperialism and Western

Imperialism as the US will point at the Russian and Chinese domestically as the enemy that

is threatening and eventually will strike the US with their "new" , "new", "new" hyper hyper

hyper sonic nuke delivery systems which in turn will make the US ratchet up the military

positioning with other Western Nations as both sides push their forces up along their

prospective battle lines. For many hard core uber conservatives they seem to see Putin

as this savior and a "Christian", who will save Americans from their own Government as

he aims hypersonic nukes at these same Americans supporting him. Mr. Putin has no soul,

none, he will do whatever he thinks he needs to do to kick down the door of other Nations

and if it means nukes he'll position them and if he needs to use them, he'll do it. So, when

the US and other NATO Forces "react" to this and push military hardware forward towards

Eastern Europe he said that is his "red line" as Ukraine was and soon maybe he'll say that

about Kazakistan as well and other Eastern European Nations and possibly Western Nations

as well. Putin is like a CIA Chief but Russian Version Premadonna, he works the same way

as he has done all his life as KGB then FSB which is the KGB with the first letters changed

only. Picture we in the US having a President that was former Head of the CIA and ask the

Russians and the Chinese what they would think about that tid bit for a moment? They wouldn't

like it all yet we dumb Western Nations accept it like it's peaches and cream. I've warned

the great American US Citizens out there forever to prepare for the "worst" and pray for

better outcomes as well as support your own freaking nation during this time while "not"

being trigger happy for sure! For all the World Leadership inclusive of our own President,

Putin, Xi, etc. do you see how the guys in the black suits are setting this sh__ up and you're

falling for it hook line and sinker. These same folks pulling all these strings magically to

cause the needed chaos don't give a sh__ about you or me plebians all over the world, they

want us to hate each other and kill each other and it seems they've set that whole situation

in process and motion. Get your sh__ together folks, emergency planning, food, water

shelter, travel or point to go, etc. as if you folks stating all this is taking place negatively than

all of us need to prepare and in that preparedness we cause "less" harm to the rest of the

world if things get messy. The puller of the strings are anticipating war between the major

powers by 2025 and declining US in defeat at that time. So, we have a pandemic which

wreaks havoc on our economy and for ever that provides the impetus for further declines

in all avenues of businesses, production, relative labor availability plus skills needed while

we fight over bullsh__ red or blue bullsh__! That's like you and your neighbors come home

one evening and your houses have some fires starting on or in your homes "but" you refuse

to help that neighbor because you don't like his red face or blue face and yet the fires in the

homes burn bigger and brighter and you won't put your water hoses together and hook it

up to any neighbors faucet because of your stupidity in everything we have created domestically

with the help of some FSB so our homes burn to the ground and we sit there yelling it was the

red faced guy who didn't help or the blue faced guy who wouldn't pitch in when needed and

yet we let our whole nation burn to the freaking ground and the rest of the World? Yeah,

same thing will happen, it only takes a spark or sparks of some kind and there they have

their own problems they won't solve either.

Final note- Warren Buffet, a Whale of Wall Street, two to three years ago stated international

trade would continue due to Special Drawing Rights yet you're seeing above and beyond

this confluence of chaos and destruction. So, by all means get ready in any way you can as

explained, please get out of debt now and reduce all your normal expenditures as we may

get high and nasty seas at some point in time.

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Thanks Greg! Tech is still being slammed, thanks for the advice the other day to wait a little longer!

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Greg- what’s your feeling on leap options

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Dax lomg @ 15,742

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President-Elect Zio /// Jan 4

Take Profit DaxCall 1

+25 %

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Awesome job Zio! Eeeeeheheheheheheeee! 👍 😃

That's one good, hefty chunk of change! 💰 💰 💰 💵 💵 💵

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All in all we're just Brilliant Thieves ...


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President-Elect Zio /// Dec 29, 2021

Take Profit DaxCall2 @ 16,056 /// +37 %

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maybe we will see 100 points more down.

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Dow long @ 35,696

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maybe we will see 200 points more down.

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Down? WT? Am I missing something!?!?!??? Am I missing a WATERFALL!!!!!??

Too busy to trade today, but I'm glad YOU are tearing that market a new &@$#!%.

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeheheheheheheheheeeee! 🤣 🤣 🤣

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President-Elect Zio /// Jan 4

Am now waiting for a markable pullback to buy the dip.

I think we (maybe) will see one more high in Dow /bit more _maybe_ than 37,000/ than _or now_ a Pullback with targets @ about 36,150 or _hope so_ @ about 35,800.

President-Elect Zio /// Jan 7

still waiting.

President-Elect Zio /// Jan 7

expect one more downmove. will sit and wait for 35,800 or a bit less. prove me wrong @ Dow.

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Now every gambler knows the secret to survivin'

Is knowin' what to throw away, knowin' what to keep


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I just exited BAC, GS, JPM last week suggestion at a little profit. Should we re-enter later on at lower prices?

Also what about QQQ? I see it's being hit hard, I didn't get in when you said to put a bit of skin in the game, so I'm thinking to enter soon.

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Really hurting from MSFT right now...

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Thanks Greg, have a great date day.

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