Big guys are into buying homes already.... https://www.opendoor.com/

More homeless more homeless more....

First of all , people live in toxic homes. Toxic carpet, toxic paint, toxic tiles, toxic ... they eat toxic food full of chemicals, GMO and pesticides. They breath in micro plastic. In the north situation is worse. Inside home they have dogs and cats pissing on carpet and continuously farting. Windows are closed. AC is re-circulating the same stale air. All of this bought on mortgage. Still things are moving along. Florida , Texas seems to be doing fine.

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Greg, you are bullish on bitcoin but in the charting system it's a strong sell. Can you comment on this? Thanks for all your work and your passion, it's fabulous

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It's going way up over the next few months this summer... I'm 99% sure. based on past market trends and so long as we break out of the recent downward trend, which we seem to be breaking in past few days... I'm very bullish. if not this year, in 5 years from now you will be glad you invested, at least that's what I'm thinking.

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I am PRAYING crypto goes down more. Already got my limit orders to buy way at the bottom of all my coins. I DARE them to take price lower. Hahahahahahahaaaa! I bought so many coins over the weekend I can't even believe it.

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am waiting.

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Agree @ D. Icke: There Is No 'Virus'


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David Icke knows what the heck is going on. When I was first exposed to his videos I was SHOCKED at what he had to say, but it all made sense.

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New Film 'DEEP RIG' Proves The 2020 Election Was Stolen


May 30, 2021


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If the 2020 election was stolen then that's a GOOD thing and I am HAPPY about it. trump is OUT and got ran back to that SWAMP he came from with his orange tail tucked between his legs and bone spurred feet. Hahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! 🤣 🤣 🤣

The election was stolen and trumpanzees are mad about it, but I am HAPPY about it. Hahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Eeeeeeeeeeeeheheheheheheheeeeee! 😍 😈 🤪 😎 Americans are HAPPY trump got cheated. Hahahahahahahaaaaaa! 😎 👍 💯

MAGA 2020 Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

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Gas is going up and soon would be $6 $7 a gallon. What do you propose to those huge pick up truck owners across the red states ? How can they fill up those big tanks ? Be kind now and propose some solution.

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LOL. I'll propose a solution....they can walk like in them-thar olden days. That's a very kind answer, no VENOM involved. Hahahahahahahahaaa! I'm feeling too nice these days. I need to get my EDGE back. Time to go to Walmart and buy a can of VENOM for $29.95! 🐍 😈

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Sure it was. Am prepared for any surprises.

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Does it even matter who wins? Watch Greg's video. Two parties are like two hands of the same person.

Secondly, majority is always wrong anyway. So whole idea of election makes no sense.

What we are interested in is how to exploit the upcoming policies to make more gains. That's what the smartest people are doing. Policies are created to benefit certain group of people depending upon who is drafting it.

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A stolen election has nothing to do with the question "Does it even matter who wins?" It shows that the whole system is rigged from the top to the bottom. It shows Democracy is just an illusion. It's on us to deal with it the best we can.

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It has been obvious and crystal clear since the time of Socrates. The book is called The Republic and not The Democracy for a reason.

You got democracy in Europe also. In a few decades or earlier I expect we will have mosques all over Europe, women would be in veil , and stone throwing would be the norm. 'Conan - Return of the Barbarian; will be the new Hollywood hit and that assuming we don't become the barbarians by then. lol

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Creepy Joe Biden Runs The Largest Child Smuggling Operation In The World


May 30, 2021

The Alex Jones Show

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That man can barely get around or even walk ten steps. How can he possibly run anything? He's not even running America...he's a figurehead like the queen of England. When I see that man walking I feel sorry for him. He ain't runnin' jack. lol He can barely run his own body dude. I bet he sleeps 15hrs a day easy. I'm sure running a worldwide child smuggling operation takes a lot of time, effort, calls to the right people, calls to governments, calls to customers etc ad infinitum. He's gotta "discipline" his staff who get out of line from time to time.

That's like saying Pablo Escobar ran a worldwide drug smuggling operation working only 4hrs per day. Can't be done.

If President Biden is actually working 4hrs a day I'd be surprised. That body just can't maintain the physical output of effort. He's too old.

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That's awesome Greg. That's how I first heard you, like 6 months ago your first time on the AJshow. And I'm glad I did because your reports have been very helpful. Thanks for all your work, and I will be buying your book!

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will do

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Greg, you should set up a podcast with Joe Rogan. He will give you much more time to speak about all the angles that need to be said.

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My partner at work loves Alex jones. See infowars stickers all over my area. Nice.

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