We should all pitch in for some land in the middle of nowhere and make a self sustaining intentional community so we don’t have to rely on the system for anything

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Somewhere not too hot or too cold preferably

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I looked around the country and decided south west North Carolina.

The summers are good because of the mountains and winter is better being as far south as it is. Plenty of water. Plenty of forest and diverse agriculture is down there. There also is not a large population. It does have a population of bears and copper heads and rattlesnakes.

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rattle snakes taste like calamari.... !

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Got sick 2x on calamari so I'll give you my rations of rattlesnake. 😜

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Russia and China are not the enemy. The enemy is within.

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A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.

Marcus Tullius Cicero

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Wonderful quip, *treason* kinda like the militant cell(s) moseying over US boarder(s)

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What no one is talking about is why was the IRON DOME down. Just lucky timing I think not and I love the 9-11 comparison it's so true the people of a nation attacked by its own governments to start a war campaign because their economy is about to crash.not to mention that Egypt, Saudi Arabia and others are going live with the BRICS economy January 1st

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Oct 11, 2023·edited Oct 11, 2023

I joined this about 2 years ago and it’s been one of the best decisions ever! You sir, are the reason I live in real life the reason I decided to educate my self on the corruption and agenda of the financial market and government! Reading all the smart brains in the group has seriously changed my life! Thank you Gregory and thank you everyone in the community!

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Our enemies are the people in any country, including our own, that benefit from violence and killing. Defence can be necessary but should be a non-profit industry.

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We know who our enemy is.- FED

We know what they want.- Power

We know what they are willing to do in order to achieve their goals.- Kill everyone for complete power.

GM this is what I get from your blog. Am I close?

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Yes, this is what they want. They were will to give their people these jabs to get rid of them. They are the enemy and humanity is the victim. God will rescue His people soon!

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I feel calm in the middle of the chaos when I am interacting with this community... thank you.

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You nailed it, own that shit, you the one educating the people, ringing the alarm bell before it happens, you da man buddy, I say ran for president.

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What I fail to understand is why Hamas didn't attack the Israeli military head on instead of attacking innocent civilians? The Israeli military has appeared to be unable and not prepared for this; that shows something about where their military is at; the USA military is probably also similar.

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Hamas "won" the election with an Israeli soldier on every corner. Hamas is controlled opposition, doing exactly what the deap state wants. Hamas only made the excuse for Israel to bomb Gaza in peaces, and of course print more money....

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Oct 11, 2023·edited Oct 11, 2023

By the way, I think that was the problem there were no military around.

I'd think it used to be that Israelis civilians were armed but apparently their politicians are just as incompetent as our American politicians are; not allowing people to arm themselves or protect themselves.

It used to be that Israelis citizens were armed with firearms but I didn't realize the law had been changed. If many or most had had a firearm there wouldn't have been the carnage that occurred, yes, there would have been some dead people and injuries but not as occurred.

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Maybe, but they're not omnipresent, omniscience, or God almighty; and in spite of what we or they may think it's impossible to think you're creating good. Instead they're helping to cause much havoc.

Also they're not in agreement with one another.

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I don't think we'd be too happy if another country was controlling our water and electricity, and who among us could come and go across our border. In Gaza, I have heard, you need a special permit to be allowed into Israel to work. And I'm betting the pay is peanuts.

Apparently talking with the Israelis doesn't improve things for the Palestinians. But i dont see that beheading people has worked either. Those 2 are at each others throats all the time... idk, seems hopeless.

I think war is barbaric and we should stop interfering all over the planet. Like we don't have our own problems!!

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I agree; we should stay out of Middle Eastern affairs.

But didn't President George Washington write for us to stay out of European Wars, we should stay out of others affairs and mind our own business.

The CIA caused a lot of problems in Central America in the 1950"s and in the Middke East; that's why Iran hates us. Had a man who was lawfully elected there in the early 50"s depsosed and put the Shah of Iran there because he was more willing to follow what they wanted, same in those other countries.

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You are just not whistling dixie! Oh shit someone might take that as a racist comment these days. Guess what fook em!

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You ain't seen nothing yet. Anti-s*mitism laws will be in full swing. The "victims" (evil doers) are cranking it up already. Biden's speech yesterday. People are catching on to "the zionist bankster's evil ways, they will stop ALL FREE SPEECH. (What's left of it). They will continue to rule the world until our TRUE MESSIAH returns. Remember, the fake (AC/Satan) their "messiah" comes first. He will be convincing; more famous than any rockstar. Promising Peace, prosperity, and he'll even throw in a few miracles (calling lightening from the sky, med beds, etc). He is the "god" of this world and these evil doers... Those who say they are of our brother Judah but do lie. Jesus said they were of the SoS. Synagoague of Satan. Kicked out of sooooo many countries. They own our Congress and all World Leaders. Praying for discernment for all of God's Elect.

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Maybe we should stop calling it a war and start calling it a debt creation Hollywood movie.

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My first warning come from Aaron russo RIP that's why he produced trading places. Its what the overlords are doing now with all this immigration. White people bad black people good. I'm off to practice some black magic. Voodoo, hoodoo. Not white magic.

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Simple? Simple? I can't even decide who to vote for in the next Selection! Every single candidate has come out in favor of the Israeli Apartheid state now -- and no major or even minor candidate has come out against the Federal Re$erve. Plus I have to sell my single gold coin in order to go to Bolivia this winter (Yeah, I gotta go -- check in on THEIR economy) because NO ONE is even donating five dollars to my GiveSendGo campaign because NO ONE CAN SPARE FIVE DOLLARS in America these days. But at least I'm not living in Gaza. At least I'm not DEAD. Thanks for letting me vent. https://www.givesendgo.com/Bolivianeedsme.

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Why are stocks getting pummel in oil and gas this week?

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I think “Our Thing” in Italian is Cosa Nostra:)

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