Apr 11, 2022·edited Apr 11, 2022Liked by Gregory Mannarino

It's not even a specter anymore, now it's a looming shadow of famine which is unstoppable... wait until the crop reports come in late Summer and early Fall... there will be a PANIC like nothing we've seen in our lifetimes. Only my grandmother (who lived through the depression as a very little girl) knows the horrors we're about to see... and this time, it may very well be even worse.

Hug your children and start growing and storing your own food...

Thank you, Greg. We appreciate you.

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This is what is called - all the lions on the same page. Total agreement.

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Hard to imagine in just 4 mos there could be mass panic and food riots here in the US. I imagine this will start among poor people living in cities, or do you think everyone except the top 2% ,which basically only include billionaires now, will face famine this year?

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2023 will be even worse imo. That is when this years crop will feed the world.

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So with famine right around the corner that means societal collapse bc people will be too weak to work or do much..and tons will die. I think a likely scenario will be a type of military style food rationing period. Are you seeing full fledged famine this yr and next, that soon?

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Unfortunately, I think that's somewhat accurate. The system, as we know it, (IMO) is going to collapse. YES, TONS will die... and absolutely we will see military style food rationing.

As for full fledged famines, in MANY countries, absolutely. Inside the United States? No, I don't think we'll see it that quickly. It will take another growing season.

Keep in mind, China has been stockpiling grains (do a quick Google search, they're storing something like 60% of the worlds grains right now)

I'm hedging as best I can with tons of different assets. IMO: If we get food, water, shelter sorted out, before the masses start going crazy, we'll have an opportunity to make MUCH more sane and rational decisions while the masses are simply trying to secure their basic needs.

Living inside a "first world country" will be a benefit because I believe the governments will continue to inflate the currency so they can keep us "fat and happy." Think "UBI" but more like Universal FOOD Cards...

I don't know how long the charade will last... but you're going to see crime go up LIKE CRAZY. If you live within driving distance of a major city (I do...) I suggest turning your home into a castle. Fortifying the windows with 3M shatterproof film is a good first step.

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I'm in a horrible position, a house in a first ring suburb only 20 minutes from downtown Minneapolis and 5 miles from the George Floyd riots. Hoping to move to AZ but my family won't come with me. I might not make it through if crime skyrockets. 🤔

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Wendy we have a lot in common. I think its time to get out of Vegas, but my family (extended) has at least 3 years before retirement, at that point forget it. Probably too late. Have you been to Flagstaff in Arizona? that's where I would go. :)

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Completely agree with you, this is just the beginning.

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I assume it will start within the cities among the poor, yes.

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Thank you for all your input Greg. God Bless You Brother for speaking the TRUTH and getting us as prepared as we can be financially. Been stacking physical silver probably for 10 years or so trying to store as much long term food and water and have a garden (although I believe our garden needs to be much larger ) all for our family in a SHTF scenario. Trying to do as much as I can.

I feel it’s pointless to try to get others to do the same. Most of friends think I’m a nut

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Wow. Greg, man. I know every word you write and say to be true. You've been way ahead of this game. On some level I wish I could live long enough to see the end result. On the other hand, I don't think I nor my ex will survive much longer. Another year, maybe, for the both of us? I don't see how silver nor Bitcoin will do much of anything until way into the future if at all. We are at the End times but a new one is emerging and the people with the power are the sickest motherfuckers the world will ever know. Earth has had great, great powers here before. Is this just a repeat but with an Israel and high tech matrix and AI slavery?

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Inflation is one thing and food shortage is another. That's where it goes far behind finances, be it stocks, bitcoin or even gold and silver. what shell you do with all that if there is no food anymore to buy? This is where the dimension of the problem we are having is much larger than we usually think. This civilization is based on bubbles and illusions. You get your food from the shelves in the supermarket, but how do these products get there and more important where do they come from? The answer is very simple, and every child can answer that it all comes from the ground, from soil, from earth. But who wants to be a farmer these days? it's all already mostly big firms which run the business and we all know who owns these firms. The human being is so disconnected from true nature, and we all take part in abusing our natural resources and everything is just about profit. That is a huge illusion, and we are all about to find out how big this illusion is. We forgot where we came from, and we will need to get reminded of it. It makes sense, like it makes sense that this civilization is at the end of the road. It's a personal choice what to do about it and I choose to prepare myself for this end at least mentally and emotionally. I also believe in a God who cares, but that's again an individual choice. We are run by creatures who are not human, and these creatures have an agenda to kill the earth. Only God can save us from this evil, but we all have our individual responsibility and choices to make. Thank you, Greg, for being the prophet that you are and making your part in opening people’s eyes to what is actually happening.

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Conditioned I agree they’re trying to program us like basic training

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Off-grid homesteading is immune to the clown show... especially when well armed. If you don't have a farm... befriend a farmer Go to your local farmers market and make some new friends.

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2 Chronicles 7:14

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The voice of reason….thank you Greg

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Thank you for your insights. I recall an old saying: "Say it isn't so, Joe". Maybe that should be changed to: "Say it isn't so, Sleepy Joe". When we run out of bread I'm sure the Carnival of Clowns will tell us to "eat cake" or in Bidenstein's world "OMG! No bread? Just eat ice cream". I'm all for the Clowns eating cake and ice cream. They'll taste better when we cook and eat the Clowns, right?

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War-cession now. Thank you. This is a very good and meaningful article.

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It’s probably a good idea to have some friends in low places. They know how to survive when times are tough. Seriously.

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All wars are banker’s wars. The war on the American Middle Class is a case in point.

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"This new demographic has already pushed most Americans well below a “middle-class” lifestyle. Moreover, former members of the middle class are burning through their savings rapidly, while at the same time they are continuing to borrow at a feverish pace. All of this is made monumentally worse by skyrocketing inflation with no end in sight."

This isn't true at all. I'm former and current middle-class and I'm thriving. But that's probably because I didn't listen to you and buy JPM, GS, HPE, QQQ, etc.

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WE are the enemy to them. To destroy an enemy fast is hit every vulnerability and not let up.

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Well when that famine comes at least I’m fat adapted and can fast for long periods of time. So eating every other day shouldn’t be too bad. Might have to go from Keto to carnivore. Eggs and organ meats (parts most people hate) will be a saving grace.

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History is told by each war. Why should it stop now?

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In Saskatchewan my fuel supplier has run out of diesel a few times already and is worried about being able to supply it, getting a crop seeded and harvested without diesel hahaha….. some people are getting chickens and a milk cow and expanding their garden. Plan for the worst if you can.

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